Louise Tosetto
Louise Tosetto
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Macquarie University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Trophic transfer of microplastics does not affect fish personality
L Tosetto, JE Williamson, C Brown
Animal Behaviour 123, 159-167, 2017
Microplastics on beaches: ingestion and behavioural consequences for beachhoppers
L Tosetto, C Brown, JE Williamson
Marine biology 163 (10), 199, 2016
Drone-based high-resolution tracking of aquatic vertebrates
V Raoult, L Tosetto, JE Williamson
Drones 2 (4), 37, 2018
Going batty: The challenges and opportunities of using drones to monitor the behaviour and habitat use of rays
S Oleksyn, L Tosetto, V Raoult, KE Joyce, JE Williamson
Drones 5 (1), 12, 2021
Effects of acclimatisation on behavioural repeatability in two behaviour assays of the guppy Poecilia reticulata
SJ O’Neill, JE Williamson, L Tosetto, C Brown
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 1-11, 2018
Remotely operated vehicles as alternatives to snorkellers for video-based marine research
V Raoult, L Tosetto, C Harvey, TM Nelson, J Reed, A Parikh, AJ Chan, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 522, 151253, 2020
Drone-Based Tracking of the Fine-Scale Movement of a Coastal Stingray (Bathytoshia brevicaudata)
S Oleksyn, L Tosetto, V Raoult, JE Williamson
Remote Sensing 13 (1), 40, 2020
Ecological impacts and management implications of reef walking on a tropical reef flat community
JE Williamson, EE Byrnes, JA Clark, DM Connolly, SE Schiller, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 114 (2), 742-750, 2017
Surface activity patterns of macrofauna on pocket, tidal beaches: insights into the role of wrack and artificial lighting
L Fanini, LE Hughes, R Springthorpe, L Tosetto, JK Lowry
Regional Studies in Marine Science 7, 63-71, 2016
A shark's eye view: testing the ‘mistaken identity theory’behind shark bites on humans
LA Ryan, DJ Slip, L Chapuis, SP Collin, E Gennari, JM Hemmi, MJ How, ...
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18 (183), 20210533, 2021
Drone-based high-resolution tracking of aquatic vertebrates. Drones, 2 (4), 37
V Raoult, L Tosetto, JE Williamson
Fantastic flatworms and where to find them: Insights into intertidal polyclad flatworm distribution in southeastern Australian boulder beaches
L Tosetto, JM McNab, PA Hutchings, J Rodríguez, JE Williamson
Diversity 15 (3), 393, 2023
Can the dynamic colouration and patterning of bluelined goatfish (Mullidae; Upeneichthys lineatus) be perceived by conspecifics?
L Tosetto, JE Williamson, TE White, NS Hart
Brain Behavior and Evolution 96 (3), 103-123, 2021
How microplastics make their way up the ocean food chain into fish
L Tosetto, C Brown, J Williamson
Impacts of microplastics on coastal biota and the potential for trophic transfer
L Tosetto
Macquarie University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of …, 2016
Dazzling damselfish: investigating motion dazzle as a defence strategy in humbug damselfish (Dascyllus aruanus)
L Tosetto, NS Hart, LA Ryan
PeerJ 12, e18152, 2024
Dynamic colour change as a signalling tool in bluelined goatfish (Upeneicthtys lineatus)
L Tosetto, NS Hart, JE Williamson
Ecology and Evolution 13 (8), e10328, 2023
A fish memory tale: Memory and recall in fish and sharks.
CV Pouca, L Tosetto, C Brown
Cambridge University Press, 2021
Widespread and convergent evolution of cone monochromacy in galeomorph sharks
NS Hart, M Pozo-Montoro, O Seeger, LA Ryan, L Tosetto, C Huveneers, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution, msaf043, 2025
Conservation is in the eye of the beholder: Taking a sensory approach to animal management and conservation in Australia
L Tosetto, LA Ryan, NS Hart
Australian Zoologist 43 (4), 652-662, 2024
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مقالات 1–20