Pasquale STEDUTO
Pasquale STEDUTO
International Water Expert
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
AquaCrop—The FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: I. Concepts and underlying principles
P Steduto, TC Hsiao, D Raes, E Fereres
Agronomy journal 101 (3), 426-437, 2009
Considering the energy, water and food nexus: Towards an integrated modelling approach
M Bazilian, H Rogner, M Howells, S Hermann, D Arent, D Gielen, ...
Energy policy 39 (12), 7896-7906, 2011
AquaCropThe FAO Crop Model to Simulate Yield Response to Water: II. Main Algorithms and Software Description
D Raes, P Steduto, TC Hsiao, E Fereres
Agronomy Journal 101 (3), 438-447, 2009
Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change
S Asseng, F Ewert, C Rosenzweig, JW Jones, JL Hatfield, AC Ruane, ...
Nature climate change 3 (9), 827-832, 2013
Crop yield response to water
P Steduto, TC Hsiao, E Fereres, D Raes
fao 1028, 99, 2012
Sustainable intensification of agriculture for human prosperity and global sustainability
J Rockström, J Williams, G Daily, A Noble, N Matthews, L Gordon, ...
Ambio 46, 4-17, 2017
Improving agricultural water productivity: Between optimism and caution
D Molden, T Oweis, P Steduto, P Bindraban, MA Hanjra, J Kijne
Agricultural water management 97 (4), 528-535, 2010
AquaCrop—the FAO crop model to simulate yield response to water: III. Parameterization and testing for maize
TC Hsiao, L Heng, P Steduto, B Rojas‐Lara, D Raes, E Fereres
Agronomy Journal 101 (3), 448-459, 2009
A recommendation on standardized surface resistance for hourly calculation of reference ETo by the FAO56 Penman-Monteith method
RG Allen, WO Pruitt, JL Wright, TA Howell, F Ventura, R Snyder, D Itenfisu, ...
Agricultural water management 81 (1-2), 1-22, 2006
The paradox of irrigation efficiency
RQ Grafton, J Williams, CJ Perry, F Molle, C Ringler, P Steduto, B Udall, ...
Science 361 (6404), 748-750, 2018
Integrated analysis of climate change, land-use, energy and water strategies
M Howells, S Hermann, M Welsch, M Bazilian, R Segerström, T Alfstad, ...
Nature Climate Change 3 (7), 621-626, 2013
On the conservative behavior of biomass water productivity
P Steduto, TC Hsiao, E Fereres
Irrigation Science 25, 189-207, 2007
Validating the FAO AquaCrop model for irrigated and water deficient field maize
LK Heng, T Hsiao, S Evett, T Howell, P Steduto
Agronomy journal 101 (3), 488-498, 2009
Multimodel ensembles of wheat growth: many models are better than one
P Martre, D Wallach, S Asseng, F Ewert, JW Jones, RP Rötter, KJ Boote, ...
Global change biology 21 (2), 911-925, 2015
A systematic and quantitative approach to improve water use efficiency in agriculture
TC Hsiao, P Steduto, E Fereres
Irrigation science 25 (3), 209-231, 2007
Increasing productivity in irrigated agriculture: Agronomic constraints and hydrological realities
C Perry, P Steduto, RG Allen, CM Burt
Agricultural water management 96 (11), 1517-1524, 2009
AquaCrop: FAO's crop water productivity and yield response model
E Vanuytrecht, D Raes, P Steduto, TC Hsiao, E Fereres, LK Heng, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 62, 351-360, 2014
Pathways for increasing agricultural water productivity
D Molden, TY Oweis, S Pasquale, JW Kijne, MA Hanjra, PS Bindraban, ...
Validation and testing of the AquaCrop model under full and deficit irrigated wheat production in Iran
B Andarzian, M Bannayan, P Steduto, H Mazraeh, ME Barati, MA Barati, ...
Agricultural Water Management 100 (1), 1-8, 2011
Assessment of AquaCrop, CropSyst, and WOFOST models in the simulation of sunflower growth under different water regimes
M Todorovic, R Albrizio, L Zivotic, MTA Saab, C Stöckle, P Steduto
Agronomy journal 101 (3), 509-521, 2009
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مقالات 1–20