Katherine Valentine
Katherine Valentine
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mate preferences do predict attraction and choices in the early stages of mate selection.
NP Li, JC Yong, W Tov, O Sng, GJO Fletcher, KA Valentine, YF Jiang, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (5), 757, 2013
Mate-selection and the Dark Triad: Facilitating a short-term mating strategy and creating a volatile environment
PK Jonason, KA Valentine, NP Li, CL Harbeson
Personality and Individual Differences 51 (6), 759-763, 2011
Judging a man by the width of his face: The role of facial ratios and dominance in mate choice at speed-dating events
KA Valentine, NP Li, L Penke, DI Perrett
Psychological science 25 (3), 806-811, 2014
Mate preferences in the US and Singapore: A cross-cultural test of the mate preference priority model
NP Li, KA Valentine, L Patel
Personality and Individual Differences 50 (2), 291-294, 2011
Predicting romantic interest and decisions in the very early stages of mate selection: Standards, accuracy, and sex differences
GJO Fletcher, PSG Kerr, NP Li, KA Valentine
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 40 (4), 540-550, 2014
Mate preferences for warmth-trustworthiness predict romantic attraction in the early stages of mate selection and satisfaction in ongoing relationships
KA Valentine, NP Li, AL Meltzer, MH Tsai
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 46 (2), 298-311, 2020
Human mating
PK Jonason, KA Valentine, NP Li
Elsevier, 2012
Measuring sperm backflow following female orgasm: A new method
R King, M Dempsey, KA Valentine
Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology 6 (1), 31927, 2016
Female virtual intrasexual competition and its consequences: An evolutionary mismatch perspective
JC Yong, NP Li, KA Valentine, AR Smith
Mate selection
KA Valentine, NP Li
The encyclopedia of human behavior 2, 564-570, 2012
Competitive motherhood from a comparative perspective
KA Valentine, NP Li, JC Yong
Social Status and Economic Resources
K Valentine
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 7758-7760, 2021
Bioecological Exchange Theory: Trading Resources for Childcare in Mate Selection
KA Valentine
Singapore Management University, 2015
Book Review: Male Aggression and Female Peace-Making
KA Valentine, S Koh, NP Li
Evolutionary Psychology 8 (4), 677-681, 2010
Female Virtual Intrasexual Competition and Its Consequences
JC Yong, NP Li, KA Valentine, AR Smith
The Oxford Handbook of Women and Competition, 0
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مقالات 1–15