Yadong Zhou
Yadong Zhou
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Exploiting the Vulnerability of Flow Table Overflow in Software-Defined Network: Attack Model, Evaluation, and Defense
Y Zhou, K Chen, J Zhang, J Leng, Y Tang
Security and Communication Networks 2018, 2018
Early detection method for emerging topics based on dynamic bayesian networks in micro-blogging networks
Q Dang, F Gao, Y Zhou
Expert Systems with Applications 57, 285-295, 2016
Modeling on opinion leader's influence in microblog message propagation and its application
王晨旭, 管晓宏, 秦涛, 周亚东
Journal of Software 26 (6), 1473-1485, 2015
Empirical analysis of the evolution of follower network: A case study on Douban
J Zhao, JCS Lui, D Towsley, X Guan, Y Zhou
2011 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS …, 2011
Analyzing and Detecting Money-Laundering Accounts in Online Social Networks
Y Zhou, X Wang, J Zhang, P Zhang, L Liu, H Jin, H Jin
IEEE Network 32 (3), 115-121, 2018
A time-varying propagation model of hot topic on BBS sites and Blog networks
B Zhang, X Guan, MJ Khan, Y Zhou
Information Sciences 187, 15-32, 2012
Internet popular topics extraction of traffic content words correlation
YD Zhou, QD Sun, XH Guan, W Li, J Tao
Journal of Xian Jiao Tong University 41 (10), 1142-1145, 2007
Predicting the tendency of topic discussion on the online social networks using a dynamic probability model
Y Zhou, X Guan, Z Zhang, B Zhang
Proceedings of the hypertext 2008 workshop on Collaboration and collective …, 2008
Analyzing and modeling dynamics of information diffusion in microblogging social network
Y Zhou, B Zhang, X Sun, Q Zheng, T Liu
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 86, 92-102, 2017
ProGuard: Detecting Malicious Accounts in Social-Network-Based Online Promotions
Y Zhou, DW Kim, J Zhang, L Liu, H Jin, H Jin, T Liu
IEEE Access 5, 1990-1999, 2017
A hybrid physics-based/data-driven model for personalized dynamic thermal comfort in ordinary office environment
Y Zhou, Y Su, Z Xu, X Wang, J Wu, X Guan
Energy and Buildings 238, 110790, 2021
刘烃, 田决, 王稼舟, 吴宏宇, 孙利民, 周亚东, 沈超, 管晓宏
自动化学报 45 (1), 5-24, 2019
An online detection and tracking method for bursty topics
F Xue, Y Zhou, F Gao, J Liu, J Zhao, Q Dang
Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University 12, 014, 2011
We know who you are: Discovering similar groups across multiple social networks
X Liu, C Shen, X Guan, Y Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 50 (7), 2693-2704, 2018
Identification of influential online social network users based on multi-features
Q Sun, N Wang, Y Zhou, Z Luo
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 30 …, 2016
A survey of network information content audit
Q Sun, X Guan, Y Zhou
Journal of Computer Research and Development 8, 000, 2009
Cyber-physical model for efficient and secured operation of CPES or energy Internet
X Guan, Z Xu, QS Jia, K Liu, Y Zhou
Science China Information Sciences 61 (11), 1-3, 2018
Detecting cooperative and organized spammer groups in micro-blogging community
Q Dang, Y Zhou, F Gao, Q Sun
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 31 (3), 573-605, 2017
Detecting community structure for undirected big graphs based on random walks
X Liu, Y Zhou, C Hu, X Guan, J Leng
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 1151-1156, 2014
A feasible graph partition framework for parallel computing of big graph
X Liu, Y Zhou, X Guan, C Shen
Knowledge-Based Systems 134, 228-239, 2017
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مقالات 1–20