vincent gerbaud
vincent gerbaud
Research Director CNRS - laboratoire de génie chimique
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Review of extractive distillation. Process design, operation, optimization and control
V Gerbaud, I Rodriguez-Donis, L Hegely, P Lang, F Denes, XQ You
Chemical Engineering Research and Design 141, 229-271, 2019
Design and control of pressure‐swing distillation for separating ternary systems with three binary minimum azeotropes
A Yang, W Shen, S Wei, L Dong, J Li, V Gerbaud
AIChE Journal 65 (4), 1281-1293, 2019
Effect of operating conditions and physico–chemical properties on the wet granulation kinetics in high shear mixer
M Benali, V Gerbaud, M Hemati
Powder Technology 190 (1-2), 160-169, 2009
Reducing process cost and CO2 emissions for extractive distillation by double-effect heat integration and mechanical heat pump
X You, I Rodriguez-Donis, V Gerbaud
Applied Energy 166, 128-140, 2016
Systematic design of an extractive distillation for maximum‐boiling azeotropes with heavy entrainers
W Shen, L Dong, S Wei, J Li, H Benyounes, X You, V Gerbaud
AIChE Journal 61 (11), 3898-3910, 2015
Prediction of miscible mixtures flash-point from UNIFAC group contribution methods
HJ Liaw, V Gerbaud, YH Li
Fluid Phase Equilibria 300 (1-2), 70-82, 2011
Mechanism of calcite crystal growth inhibition by the N-terminal undecapeptide of lithostathine
V Gerbaud, D Pignol, E Loret, JA Bertrand, Y Berland, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (2), 1057-1064, 2000
Entrainer selection rules for the separation of azeotropic and close-boiling-temperature mixtures by homogeneous batch distillation process
I Rodríguez-Donis, V Gerbaud, X Joulia
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 40 (12), 2729-2741, 2001
Optimization of pre-concentration, entrainer recycle and pressure selection for the extractive distillation of acetonitrile-water with ethylene glycol
X You, J Gu, V Gerbaud, C Peng, H Liu
Chemical Engineering Science 177, 354-368, 2018
Flash-point prediction for binary partially miscible mixtures of flammable solvents
HJ Liaw, WH Lu, V Gerbaud, CC Chen
Journal of hazardous materials 153 (3), 1165-1175, 2008
Glycerol acetals and ketals as bio-based solvents: positioning in Hansen and COSMO-RS spaces, volatility and stability towards hydrolysis and autoxidation
L Moity, A Benazzouz, V Molinier, V Nardello-Rataj, MK Elmkaddem, ...
Green Chemistry 17 (3), 1779-1792, 2015
Improved design and efficiency of the extractive distillation process for acetone–methanol with water
X You, I Rodriguez-Donis, V Gerbaud
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (1), 491-501, 2015
Polymer-plasticizer compatibility during coating formulation: A multi-scale investigation
A Jarray, V Gerbaud, M Hemati
Progress in Organic Coatings 101, 195-206, 2016
Thermodynamic insights on the feasibility of homogeneous batch extractive distillation, 1. Azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer
I Rodriguez-Donis, V Gerbaud, X Joulia
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 48 (7), 3544-3559, 2009
Effect of wine polysaccharides on the nucleation of potassium hydrogen tartrate in model solutions
V Gerbaud, N Gabas, C Laguerie, JM BLOUIN, S Vidal, M Moutounet, ...
Feasibility of heterogeneous batch distillation processes
I Rodríguez Donis, V Gerbaud, X Joulia
AIChE Journal 48 (6), 1168-1178, 2002
Energy-saving reduced-pressure extractive distillation with heat integration for separating the biazeotropic ternary mixture tetrahydrofuran–methanol–water
J Gu, X You, C Tao, J Li, V Gerbaud
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (40), 13498-13510, 2018
Heterogeneous batch‐extractive distillation of minimum boiling azeotropic mixtures
IR Donis, JA Esquijarosa, V Gerbaud, X Joulia
AIChE Journal 49 (12), 3074-3083, 2003
Flash-point prediction for binary partially miscible aqueous–organic mixtures
HJ Liaw, CT Chen, V Gerbaud
Chemical engineering science 63 (18), 4543-4554, 2008
Extension of thermodynamic insights on batch extractive distillation to continuous operation. 1. Azeotropic mixtures with a heavy entrainer
W Shen, H Benyounes, V Gerbaud
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52 (12), 4606-4622, 2013
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20