Patch ideals and Peterson varieties E Insko, A Yong
Transformation Groups 17, 1011-1036, 2012
53 2012 Intersection theory of the Peterson variety and certain singularities of Schubert varieties E Insko, J Tymoczko
Geometriae Dedicata 180, 95-116, 2016
25 * 2016 Descent polynomials A Diaz-Lopez, PE Harris, E Insko, M Omar, BE Sagan
Discrete Mathematics 342 (6), 1674-1686, 2019
22 2019 A formula for enumerating permutations with a fixed pinnacle set A Diaz-Lopez, PE Harris, I Huang, E Insko, L Nilsen
Discrete Mathematics 344 (6), 112375, 2021
20 2021 On (t,r) broadcast domination numbers of grids EI David Blessing, Katie Johnson, Christie Mauretour
Discrete Applied Mathematics 187, Pages 19–40, 2015
20 * 2015 A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture A Diaz-Lopez, PE Harris, E Insko, M Omar
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 149, 21-29, 2017
19 2017 The adjoint representation of a classical Lie algebra and the support of Kostant’s weight multiplicity formula PE Harris, E Insko, LK Williams
Journal of Combinatorics 7 (1), 75-116, 2016
17 * 2016 Schubert calculus and the homology of the Peterson variety E Insko
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 22 (2), P2. 26, 2015
14 2015 The -analog of Kostant's partition function and the highest root of the classical Lie algebras PE Harris, E Insko, M Omar
Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 71 (1), 68-91, 2018
12 2018 A formula for the cohomology and K-class of a regular Hessenberg variety E Insko, J Tymoczko, A Woo
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 224 (5), 106230, 2020
11 2020 Computing weight q -multiplicities for the representations of the simple Lie algebras PE Harris, E Insko, A Simpson
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 29 (4), 351-362, 2018
11 2018 The singular locus of semisimple Hessenberg varieties E Insko, M Precup
Journal of Algebra 521, 65-96, 2019
10 2019 Kostant's Weight Multiplicity Formula and the Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers K Chang, P Harris, E Insko
Journal of Combinatorics 11 (1), 141-167, 2020
9 * 2020 Peak sets of classical Coxeter groups A Diaz-Lopez, PE Harris, E Insko, D Perez-Lavin
Involve, a Journal of Mathematics 10 (2), 263-290, 2016
9 2016 Partial permutohedra RE Behrend, F Castillo, A Chavez, A Diaz-Lopez, L Escobar, PE Harris, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.14253, 2022
7 2022 An Ordered Partition Expansion of the Determinant E Insko, K Johnson, S Sullivan
INTEGERS 17, 2, 2017
5 * 2017 Peaks on Graphs A Diaz-Lopez, L Everham, PE Harris, E Insko, V Marcantonio, M Omar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.08493, 2017
4 2017 Equivariant cohomology and local invariants of Hessenberg varieties EA Insko
The University of Iowa, 2012
4 2012 A Project‐Based Guide to Undergraduate Research in Mathematics PE Harris, E Insko, A Wootton
Foundations for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics. Springer …, 2020
3 2020 Supercoiled tangles and stick numbers of 2-Bridge links E Insko, R Trapp
Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 24 (05), 1550029, 2015
3 2015