Greg Noble
Greg Noble
Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Bin Laden in the suburbs: Criminalising the Arab other
S Poynting, G Noble, P Tabar, J Collins
Sydney Institute of Criminology, 2004
Kebabs, kids, cops and crime: Youth, ethnicity and crime
S Poynting
Pluto, 2000
Everyday cosmopolitanism and the labour of intercultural community
G Noble
Everyday multiculturalism, 46-65, 2009
The discomfort of strangers: Racism, incivility and ontological security in a relaxed and comfortable nation
G Noble
Journal of intercultural studies 26 (1-2), 107-120, 2005
So, how did Bourdieu learn to play tennis? Habitus, consciousness and habituation
G Noble, M Watkins
Cultural studies 17 (3-4), 520-539, 2003
Convivialities: an orientation
A Wise, G Noble
Journal of intercultural studies 37 (5), 423-431, 2016
Masculinities in place: situated identities, relations and intersectionality
P Hopkins, G Noble
Taylor & Francis Group 10 (8), 811-819, 2009
Living with racism: The experience and reporting by Arab and Muslim Australians of discrimination, abuse and violence since 11 September 2001: Report to the Human Rights and …
S Poynting, G Noble
Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney, 2004
Living Diversity: Australia’s Multicultural Future
A Ien, JE Brand, G Noble, D Wilding
Artarmon, NSW: Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS), 2002
Cosmopolitan habits: The capacities and habitats of intercultural conviviality
G Noble
Body & society 19 (2-3), 162-185, 2013
Genre in practice
M Callaghan, P Knapp, G Noble
The Powers of Literacy (RLE Edu I), 179-202, 2014
Youth, ethnicity and the mapping of identities: Strategic essentialism and strategic hybridity among male Arabic-speaking youth in South-Western Sydney
G Noble, S Poynting, P Tabar
Communal/plural 7 (1), 29-44, 1999
‘Countless acts of recognition’: young men, ethnicity and the messiness of identities in everyday life
G Noble
Social & cultural geography 10 (8), 875-891, 2009
Cultures of Schooling (RLE Edu L Sociology of Education): Pedagogies for Cultural Difference and Social Access
M Kalantzis, B Cope, G Noble, S Poynting
Routledge, 2012
Accumulating being
G Noble
International Journal of Cultural Studies 7 (2), 233-256, 2004
Lines in the sand: The Cronulla riots, multiculturalism and national belonging
G Noble, G Noble
Institute of Criminology Press, 2009
White lines: The intercultural politics of everyday movement in social spaces
G Noble, S Poynting
Journal of intercultural studies 31 (5), 489-505, 2010
‘It is home but it is not home’: habitus, field and the migrant
G Noble
Journal of sociology 49 (2-3), 341-356, 2013
Connecting diversity: Paradoxes of multicultural Australia
I Ang, J Brand, G Noble, J Sternberg
SBS, 2006
Disposed to Learn: Schooling, Ethnicity and the Scholarly Habitus
M Watkins, G Noble
Bloomsbury, 2013
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مقالات 1–20