C. Z. Cheng , Chio-Zong Cheng, Chio Zong Cheng, Chio-Zong Frank Cheng
C. Z. Cheng , Chio-Zong Cheng, Chio Zong Cheng, Chio-Zong Frank Cheng
Visiting Chair Professor, National Cheng Kung University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على pssc.ncku.edu.tw
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The integration of the Vlasov equation in configuration space
CZ Cheng, G Knorr
Journal of Computational Physics 22 (3), 330-351, 1976
Low-n shear Alfvén spectra in axisymmetric toroidal plasmas
CZ Cheng, MS Chance
Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.(PPPL), Princeton, NJ (United States), 1985
High-n ideal and resistive shear Alfvén waves in tokamaks
CZ Cheng, L Chen, MS Chance
Annals of Physics 161 (1), 21-47, 1985
Kinetic Extensions of Magnetohydrodynamics for Axisymmetric Toroidal Plasmas
CZ Cheng
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Report, 1989
Simulations of deuterium-tritium experiments in TFTR
RV Budny, MG Bell, H Biglari, M Bitter, CE Bush, CZ Cheng, ...
Nuclear Fusion 32 (3), 429, 1992
Fusion power production from TFTR plasmas fueled with deuterium and tritium
JD Strachan, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physical review letters 72 (22), 3526, 1994
Alpha‐particle losses from toroidicity‐induced Alfvén eigenmodes. Part II: Monte Carlo simulations and anomalous alpha‐loss processes
DJ Sigmar, CT Hsu, R White, CZ Cheng
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (6), 1506-1516, 1992
Magnetic reconnection and mass acceleration in flare-coronal mass ejection events
J Qiu, H Wang, CZ Cheng, DE Gary
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (2), 900, 2004
Kinetic Alfvén waves and plasma transport at the magnetopause
JR Johnson, CZ Cheng
Geophysical Research Letters 24 (11), 1423-1426, 1997
Kinetic ballooning instability for substorm onset and current disruption observed by AMPTE/CCE
CZ Cheng, ATY Lui
Geophysical Research Letters 25 (21), 4091-4094, 1998
Alfvén eigenmode and energetic particle research in JT-60U
H Kimura, Y Kusama, M Saigusa, GJ Kramer, K Tobita, M Nemoto, ...
Nuclear Fusion 38 (9), 1303, 1998
Three‐dimensional hybrid gyrokinetic‐magnetohydrodynamics simulation
W Park, S Parker, H Biglari, M Chance, L Chen, CZ Cheng, TS Hahm, ...
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (7), 2033-2037, 1992
NOVA: A nonvariational code for solving the MHD stability of axisymmetric toroidal plasmas
CZ Cheng, MS Chance
Journal of Computational Physics 71 (1), 124-146, 1987
Stochastic Ion Heating at the Magnetopause due to Kinetic Alfvén Waves
JR Johnson, CZ Cheng
Geophysical Research Letters 28, 4421-4424, 2001
Alpha-particle-driven toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes in the tokamak fusion test reactor
R Nazikian, GY Fu, SH Batha, MG Bell, RE Bell, RV Budny, CE Bush, ...
Physical review letters 78 (15), 2976, 1997
Excitation of high‐n toroidicity‐induced shear Alfvén eigenmodes by energetic particles and fusion alpha particles in tokamaks
GY Fu, CZ Cheng
Physics of Fluids B: Plasma Physics 4 (11), 3722-3734, 1992
Fast particle finite orbit width and Larmor radius effects on low-n toroidicity induced Alfvén eigenmode excitation
NN Gorelenkov, CZ Cheng, GY Fu
Physics of Plasmas 6 (7), 2802-2807, 1999
Fusion plasma experiments on TFTR: A 20 year retrospective
RJ Hawryluk, S Batha, W Blanchard, M Beer, MG Bell, RE Bell, H Berk, ...
Physics of Plasmas 5 (5), 1577-1589, 1998
GPS radio occultation: results from CHAMP, GRACE and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC
J Wickert, G Michalak, T Schmidt, G Beyerle, CZ Cheng, SB Healy, ...
Terrestrial Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 20 (1), 35-50, 2009
Confinement and heating of a deuterium-tritium plasma
RJ Hawryluk, H Adler, P Alling, C Ancher, H Anderson, JL Anderson, ...
Physical review letters 72 (22), 3530, 1994
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مقالات 1–20