Luis Javier Hernández Paricio
Luis Javier Hernández Paricio
Catedrático de Geometría y Topología, Universidad de La Rioja
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على unirioja.es
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A closed simplicial model category for proper homotopy and shape theories
JM García-Calcines, M García-Pinillos, LJ Hernández-Paricio
Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 57 (2), 221-242, 1998
Closed model categories for the n-type of spaces and simplicial sets
C Elvira-Donazar, LJ Hernandez-Paricio
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 118 (1), 93-103, 1995
Fundamental pro-groupoids and covering projections
L Hernández-Paricio
Fundamenta Mathematicae 156 (1), 1-31, 1998
Limit and end functors of dynamical systems via exterior spaces
JMG Calcines, LJH Paricio, MTR Rodríguez
Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin 20 (5), 937-959, 2013
Influence of the multiplicity of the roots on the basins of attraction of Newton’s method
JM Gutiérrez, LJ Hernández-Paricio, M Marañón-Grandes, ...
Numerical Algorithms 66, 431-455, 2014
Applications of simplicial 𝑀-sets to proper and strong shape theories
LJ Hernández Paricio
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 347 (2), 363-409, 1995
Bivariate Newton-Raphson method and toroidal attraction basins
LJ Hernández Paricio
Numerical Algorithms 71, 349-381, 2016
A completion construction for continuous dynamical systems
JMG Calcines, LJH Paricio, MTR Rodríguez
Closed simplicial model structures for exterior and proper homotopy theory
JM García-Calcines, M García-Pinillos, LJ Hernández-Paricio
Applied Categorical Structures 12, 225-243, 2004
Sequential homology
JM García-Calcines, LJ Hernández-Paricio
Topology and its Applications 114 (2), 201-225, 2001
Postnikov factorizations at infinity
JIE Aldana, LJH Paricio, MTR Rodríguez
Topology and its Applications 153 (2-3), 370-393, 2005
La divina razón de la belleza
JIE Aldana, LJH Paricio, MTR Rodríguez
Sigma: revista de matemáticas= matematika aldizkaria, 145-178, 2005
A closed model category for (𝑛-1)-connected spaces
J Aldana, L Paricio, M Rodríguez
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (11), 3545-3553, 1996
An isomorphism theorem of the Hurewicz type in the proper homotopy category
JI Extremiana, LJH Paricio, MT Rivas
Universidad de Zaragoza. Seminario Matematico Garcia de Galdeano, 1987
Models for torsion homotopy types
C Casacuberta, J Luis Rodríguez, LJ Hernández Paricio
Israel Journal of Mathematics 107, 301-318, 1998
Graphical representations for the homogeneous bivariate Newton’s method
JMG Calcines, JM Gutiérrez, LJH Paricio, MTR Rodríguez
Applied Mathematics and Computation 269, 988-1006, 2015
Functorial and algebraic properties of Brown’s P functor
LJ Hernandez-Paricio
Theory and Applications of Categories 1 (2), 10-53, 1995
A computer implementation of the partition of the unity procedure and its application to arthropod population dynamics. A case study on the European grape berry moth
E Sáenz-de-Cabezón, LJ Hernández, MT Rivas, E García-Ruiz, V Marco, ...
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (1), 2-14, 2011
Exact sequences and closed model categories
M García Pinillos, LJ Hernández Paricio, MT Rivas Rodríguez
Applied Categorical Structures 18 (4), 343-375, 2010
Fundamental groups and finite sheeted coverings
LJH Paricio, V Matijević
Journal of pure and applied algebra 214 (3), 281-296, 2010
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مقالات 1–20