مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Prof. Jean-Francois FELLERمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 5
Graphene and metal organic frameworks (MOFs) hybridization for tunable chemoresistive sensors for detection of volatile organic compounds (VOC) biomarkers
TT Tung, MT Tran, JF Feller, M Castro, T Van Ngo, K Hassan, MJ Nine, ...
Carbon 159, 333-344, 2019
التفويضات: Australian Research Council
Graphene oxide-assisted liquid phase exfoliation of graphite into graphene for highly conductive film and electromechanical sensors
TT Tung, J Yoo, F Alotaibi, MJ Nine, R Karunagaran, M Krebsz, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (25), 16521-16532, 2016
التفويضات: Australian Research Council
Green carbon nanostructured quantum resistive sensors to detect volatile biomarkers
KM Tripathi, A Sachan, M Castro, V Choudhary, SK Sonkar, JF Feller
Sustainable Materials & Technologies 16, 1-11, 2018
التفويضات: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Upgrading of diesel engine exhaust waste into onion-like carbon nanoparticles for integrated degradation sensing in nano-biocomposites
S Nag-Chowdhury, TT Tung, QTH Ta, G Kumar, M Castro, JF Feller, ...
New Journal of Chemistry 45 (7), 3675-3682, 2021
التفويضات: Department of Biotechnology, India
Characterization of metal, semiconductor, and metal-semiconductor core-shell nanostructures
KM Tripathi, M Castro, JF Feller, SK Sonkar
Metal semiconductor core-shell nanostructures for energy and environmental …, 2017
التفويضات: Department of Science & Technology, India
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 6
Development of poly(isobutylene-co-isoprene)/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites for barrier, dielectric and sensing applications
SK Kumar, M Castro, A Saiter, L Delbreilh, JF Feller, S Thomas, ...
Materials Letters 96, 109-112, 2013
التفويضات: Department of Science & Technology, India
Engineering of graphene/epoxy nanocomposites with improved distribution of graphene nanosheets for advanced piezo-resistive mechanical sensing
TT Tung, R Karunagaran, DNH Tran, B Gao, S Nag-Chowdhury, I Pillin, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (16), 3422-3430, 2016
التفويضات: Australian Research Council
3D sprayed polyurethane functionalized graphene/carbon nanotubes hybrid architectures to enhance the piezo-resistive response of quantum resistive pressure sensors
MT Tran, TT Tung, A Sachan, D Losic, M Castro, JF Feller
Carbon 168, 564-579, 2020
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Australian Research Council
Simple technique for the simultaneous determination of solvent diffusion coefficient in polymer by Quantum Resistive Sensors and FT‐IR spectroscopy
SK Kumar, M Castro, I Pillin, JF Feller, S Thomas, Y Grohens
Polymers for Advanced Technologies 24, 487-494, 2013
التفويضات: Department of Science & Technology, India
Graphene woven fabric-polydimethylsiloxane piezoresistive films for smart multi-stimuli responses
TT Tung, MT Tran, ALC Pereira, CMB Cordeiro, DD Nguyen, NH Tai, ...
Colloids & Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 112940, 2023
التفويضات: Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Australian Research …
Gas barrier efficiency of clay- and graphene-poly(isobutylene-co-isoprene) nanocomposite membranes evidenced by a quantum resistive vapor sensor cell
JF Feller, KK Sadasivuni, M Castro, H Bellegou, I Pillin, S Thomas, ...
Nanocomposites 1 (2), 96-105, 2015
التفويضات: Department of Science & Technology, India
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