Protecting entanglement via the quantum Zeno effect S Maniscalco, F Francica, RL Zaffino, N Lo Gullo, F Plastina
Physical review letters 100 (9), 090503, 2008
574 2008 Irreversible work and inner friction in quantum thermodynamic processes F Plastina, A Alecce, TJG Apollaro, G Falcone, G Francica, F Galve, ...
Physical review letters 113 (26), 260601, 2014
190 2014 Orthogonality catastrophe as a consequence of qubit embedding in an ultracold Fermi gas J Goold, T Fogarty, N Lo Gullo, M Paternostro, T Busch
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (6), 063632, 2011
148 2011 Hybrid optomechanics for quantum technologies B Rogers, N Lo Gullo, G De Chiara, GM Palma, M Paternostro
Quantum Measurements and Quantum Metrology 2 (1), 000010247820140002, 2014
84 2014 Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects A Alecce, F Galve, NL Gullo, L Dell’Anna, F Plastina, R Zambrini
New Journal of Physics 17 (7), 075007, 2015
81 2015 Criticality, factorization, and long-range correlations in the anisotropic model S Campbell, J Richens, NL Gullo, T Busch
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (6), 062305, 2013
74 2013 Orthogonality catastrophe and decoherence in a trapped-fermion environment A Sindona, J Goold, N Lo Gullo, S Lorenzo, F Plastina
Physical review letters 111 (16), 165303, 2013
67 2013 Statistics of the work distribution for a quenched Fermi gas A Sindona, J Goold, NL Gullo, F Plastina
New Journal of Physics 16 (4), 045013, 2014
52 2014 Finite-time quantum Stirling heat engine SH Raja, S Maniscalco, GS Paraoanu, JP Pekola, NL Gullo
New Journal of Physics 23 (3), 033034, 2021
45 2021 Single-quantum-dot heat valve B Dutta, D Majidi, NW Talarico, N Lo Gullo, H Courtois, CB Winkelmann
Physical Review Letters 125 (23), 237701, 2020
40 2020 Reservoir engineering using quantum optimal control for qubit reset D Basilewitsch, F Cosco, NL Gullo, M Möttönen, T Ala-Nissilä, CP Koch, ...
New Journal of Physics 21 (9), 093054, 2019
36 2019 Dynamics and energy spectra of aperiodic discrete-time quantum walks N Lo Gullo, CV Ambarish, T Busch, L Dell'Anna, CM Chandrashekar
Physical Review E 96 (1), 012111, 2017
30 2017 Vortex entanglement in Bose-Einstein condensates coupled to Laguerre-Gauss beams N Lo Gullo, S McEndoo, T Busch, M Paternostro
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 81 (5), 053625, 2010
28 2010 A many-body approach to transport in quantum systems: from the transient regime to the stationary state M Ridley, NW Talarico, D Karlsson, NL Gullo, R Tuovinen
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (27), 273001, 2022
26 2022 Non-Markovianity criteria for open system dynamics NL Gullo, I Sinayskiy, T Busch, F Petruccione
arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.1126, 2014
26 2014 Critical assessment of two-qubit post-Markovian master equations S Campbell, A Smirne, L Mazzola, N Lo Gullo, B Vacchini, T Busch, ...
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (3), 032120, 2012
25 2012 A Scalable Numerical Approach to the Solution of the Dyson Equation for the Non‐Equilibrium Single‐Particle Green's Function NW Talarico, S Maniscalco, N Lo Gullo
physica status solidi (b) 256 (7), 1800501, 2019
21 2019 Signatures of the single-particle mobility edge in the ground-state properties of Tonks-Girardeau and noninteracting Fermi gases in a bichromatic potential J Settino, N Lo Gullo, A Sindona, J Goold, F Plastina
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033605, 2017
19 2017 Local quench, Majorana zero modes, and disturbance propagation in the Ising chain G Francica, TJG Apollaro, N Lo Gullo, F Plastina
Physical Review B 94 (24), 245103, 2016
18 2016 A hybrid classical-quantum approach to speed-up Q-learning A Sannia, A Giordano, NL Gullo, C Mastroianni, F Plastina
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 3913, 2023
16 2023