stefania santini
stefania santini
Professor of Systems and Control Engineering, University of Napoli Federico II
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Distributed consensus strategy for platooning of vehicles in the presence of time-varying heterogeneous communication delays
M Di Bernardo, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (1), 102-112, 2014
A yeast synthetic network for in vivo assessment of reverse-engineering and modeling approaches
I Cantone, L Marucci, F Iorio, MA Ricci, V Belcastro, M Bansal, S Santini, ...
Cell 137 (1), 172-181, 2009
A consensus-based approach for platooning with intervehicular communications and its validation in realistic scenarios
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapé, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 1985-1999, 2016
Neural networks based subgrid scale modeling in large eddy simulations
F Sarghini, G de Felice, S Santini
Computers & fluids 32 (1), 97-108, 2003
A secure adaptive control for cooperative driving of autonomous connected vehicles in the presence of heterogeneous communication delays and cyberattacks
A Petrillo, A Pescape, S Santini
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 51 (3), 1134-1149, 2020
ERTMS/ETCS virtual coupling: Proof of concept and numerical analysis
C Di Meo, M Di Vaio, F Flammini, R Nardone, S Santini, V Vittorini
IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems 21 (6), 2545-2556, 2019
Design, analysis, and experimental validation of a distributed protocol for platooning in the presence of time-varying heterogeneous delays
M di Bernardo, P Falcone, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (2), 413-427, 2015
Adaptive multi-agents synchronization for collaborative driving of autonomous vehicles with multiple communication delays
A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 86, 372-392, 2018
Distributed robust PID control for leader tracking in uncertain connected ground vehicles with V2V communication delay
G Fiengo, DG Lui, A Petrillo, S Santini, M Tufo
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 24 (3), 1153-1165, 2019
A consensus-based approach for platooning with inter-vehicular communications
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapè, M Segata, RL Cigno
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1158-1166, 2015
Towards railway virtual coupling
F Flammini, S Marrone, R Nardone, A Petrillo, S Santini, V Vittorini
2018 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft …, 2018
Fuzzy logic–based clinical decision support system for the evaluation of renal function in post‐Transplant Patients
G Improta, V Mazzella, D Vecchione, S Santini, M Triassi
Journal of evaluation in clinical practice 26 (4), 1224-1234, 2020
Linear discriminant analysis and principal component analysis to predict coronary artery disease
C Ricciardi, AS Valente, K Edmund, V Cantoni, R Green, A Fiorillo, ...
Health informatics journal 26 (3), 2181-2192, 2020
Hybrid model reference adaptive control of piecewise affine systems
M di Bernardo, U Montanaro, S Santini
IEEE Tran. on Automatic Control 58 (2), 304-316, 2013
Platooning maneuvers in vehicular networks: A distributed and consensus-based approach
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapè, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 4 (1), 59-72, 2018
Cooperative shock waves mitigation in mixed traffic flow environment
M Di Vaio, G Fiengo, A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, M Tufo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (12), 4339-4353, 2019
Design, analysis and performance evaluation of a third order distributed protocol for platooning in the presence of time-varying delays and switching topologies
A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 80, 360-383, 2017
A collaborative approach for improving the security of vehicular scenarios: The case of platooning
A Petrillo, A Pescapé, S Santini
Computer Communications 122, 59-75, 2018
Fault diagnosis in industrial rotating equipment based on permutation entropy, signal processing and multi-output neuro-fuzzy classifier
S Rajabi, MS Azari, S Santini, F Flammini
Expert systems with applications 206, 117754, 2022
Experimental and numerical verification of bifurcations and chaos in cam-follower impacting systems
R Alzate, M Di Bernardo, U Montanaro, S Santini
Nonlinear Dynamics 50, 409-429, 2007
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20