Marcelo Santos
Marcelo Santos
أسماء أخرىMarcelo L B Santos, Marcelo Barbosa dos Santos, Marcelo Luis Barbosa Santos
Universidad Diego Portales - Associate Professor
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على udp.cl - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The “so-called” UGC: an updated definition of user-generated content in the age of social media
M Santos
Online Information Review 46 (1), 95-113, 2022
Affordance is power: Contradictions between communicational and technical dimensions of WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption
M Santos, A Faure
Social Media+ Society 4 (3), 2056305118795876, 2018
Social media and belief in misinformation in Mexico: a case of maximal panic, minimal effects?
S Valenzuela, C Muñiz, M Santos
The International Journal of Press/Politics 29 (3), 667-688, 2024
Subversive affordances as a form of digital transnational activism: The case of Telegram’s native proxy
M Santos, M Saldaña, K Tsyganova
New media & society 26 (1), 131-153, 2024
Gestão de conteúdo 360o: integrando negócios, design e tecnologia
MLB Santos, CE Franco, JCC Terra
Saraiva, 2009
“Vital testimonio confirmó…”: Polarización de fuentes y redes en el Caso Catrillanca en Twitter
MLB Santos, O Jaramillo Castro, D Aguirre
Cuadernos.info, 26-50, 2021
Changing Media Landscapes and Political Participation
M Santos, S Valenzuela
The Oxford Handbook of Political Participation, 841-857, 2022
From access deprivation to skill acquisition: Cluster analysis of user behavior in face of a 12-hour legal blockage of WhatsApp in Brazil
M Santos, M Saldaña, A Rosenberg
First Monday, 2020
Affordances-driven ethics for research on mobile instant messaging: Notes from the Global South
N Herrada Hidalgo, M Santos, S Barbosa
Mobile Media & Communication, 20501579241247994, 2024
Detection and impact estimation of social bots in the Chilean Twitter network
M Mendoza, E Providel, M Santos, S Valenzuela
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 6525, 2024
Testimonial tweeting. People’s voice (and eyes) on anti-impeachment protests in Brazil
M Santos
InMediaciones de la comunicaicón 13 (1), 215-239, 2018
Redes horizontales de movilización: valorando la eficiencia del activismo personal en Twitter
MLB Santos, R Condeza
Analítica y visualización de datos en Twitter, 149, 2017
The Meso News-Space as a Framework for Studying Mobile Instant Messaging Services
S Valenzuela, M Santos
Digital Journalism, 1-6, 2024
Design hipermídia na internet: uma análise semiótica dos padrões de comunicação online
Dissertação (mestrado). Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Comunicação e …, 2005
Digital'Guerrillas' and the Influence Industry's Impact on Latin American Democracies: Lessons from Chile
M Santos, X Orchard
Routledge Handbook of the Influence Industry, 222-238, 2024
Politicizing witnessing: Testimonial user-generated content in the aftermath of Rousseff’s impeachment in Brazil
M Santos
Convergence 29 (6), 1517-1534, 2023
NÃO ALIMENTE O MINION!: Polarização afetiva e ativismo de rede às avessas na gênese e ascensão da hashtag #Bolsonaro2018 após o impeachment de Dilma Rousseff
M Santos
Confluencias 22 (3), 172-197, 2020
Mensajería secreta y desinformación en la política de WhatsApp
ML Santos
Boletín Observatorio Internacional 42, 2019
Sherlock-wannabes or when the audience fact-checks. How ideology, education, and alternative media use explain individual fact-checking behaviors in Chile.
M Saldaña, M Santos
Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodistico 29 (4), 2023
Nova Homeostase: Das incertezas às possibilidades de reequilíbrio do homem hipercognitivo com a quietude espiritual.
MLB dos Santos
Revista Nexi. ISSN 2237-8383, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20