Pascal Wiggers
Pascal Wiggers
Professor of Responsible IT, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Voice stress analysis
LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, JWA Van Wees, RJ van Vark
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 7th International Conference, TSD 2004, Brno …, 2004
Designing interfaces for explicit preference elicitation: a user-centered investigation of preference representation and elicitation process
A Pommeranz, J Broekens, P Wiggers, WP Brinkman, CM Jonker
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 22, 357-397, 2012
Elicitation of situated values: need for tools to help stakeholders and designers to reflect and communicate
A Pommeranz, C Detweiler, P Wiggers, C Jonker
Ethics and Information Technology 14 (4), 285-303, 2012
Analysis of shopping behavior based on surveillance system
M Popa, L Rothkrantz, Z Yang, P Wiggers, R Braspenning, C Shan
2010 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 2512-2519, 2010
Kinect sensing of shopping related actions
M Popa, A Kemal Koc, LJM Rothkrantz, C Shan, P Wiggers
Constructing Ambient Intelligence: AmI 2011 Workshops, Amsterdam, The …, 2012
Automatic stress detection in emergency (telephone) calls
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, DA Van Leeuwen, P Wiggers
International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 4 (2), 148-168, 2011
Conversations with a virtual human: Synthetic emotions and human responses
C Qu, WP Brinkman, Y Ling, P Wiggers, I Heynderickx
Computers in Human Behavior 34, 58-68, 2014
Emotion recognition from speech by combining databases and fusion of classifiers
I Lefter, LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, DA Van Leeuwen
International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue, 353-360, 2010
Semantic assessment of shopping behavior using trajectories, shopping related actions, and context information
MC Popa, LJM Rothkrantz, C Shan, T Gritti, P Wiggers
Pattern Recognition Letters 34 (7), 809-819, 2013
Towards Recurrent Neural Networks Language Models with Linguistic and Contextual Features.
Y Shi, P Wiggers, CM Jonker
Interspeech 12, 1664-1667, 2012
Question classification by weighted combination of lexical, syntactic and semantic features
B Loni, G Van Tulder, P Wiggers, DMJ Tax, M Loog
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 14th International Conference, TSD 2011, Pilsen …, 2011
Comparison between different feature extraction techniques for audio-visual speech recognition
AG Chiţu, LJM Rothkrantz, P Wiggers, JC Wojdel
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 1, 7-20, 2007
Negotiating agents
CM Jonker, KV Hindriks, P Wiggers, J Broekens
AI Magazine 33 (3), 79-79, 2012
Self-reflection on personal values to support value-sensitive design
A Pommeranz, C Detweiler, P Wiggers, CM Jonker
Proceedings of HCI 2011 The 25th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 2011
An audio-visual corpus for multimodal speech recognition in dutch language
J Wojdel, P Wiggers, LJM Rothkrantz
Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 2002
Multimodal human-computer interaction framework for research into crisis management
S Fitriani, RW Poppe, AG Chitu, D Datcu, R Dor, DHW Hofs, P Wiggers, ...
Delft: DECIS, 2007
Design guidelines for negotiation support systems: An expert perspective using scenarios
A Pommeranz, WP Brinkman, P Wiggers, J Broekens, CM Jonker
VTT symposium 258, 323-330, 2009
A multi-modal eliza using natural language processing and emotion recognition
S Fitrianie, P Wiggers, LJM Rothkrantz
Text, Speech and Dialogue: 6th International Conference, TSD 2003, České …, 2003
Human perception of a conversational virtual human: an empirical study on the effect of emotion and culture
C Qu, WP Brinkman, Y Ling, P Wiggers, I Heynderickx
Virtual Reality 17, 307-321, 2013
Social acceptance of negotiation support systems: scenario-based exploration with focus groups and online survey
A Pommeranz, P Wiggers, WP Brinkman, CM Jonker
Cognition, Technology & Work 14 (4), 299-317, 2012
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مقالات 1–20