Carlos León Sobrino
Carlos León Sobrino
Novo Nordisk Foundation center for biosustainability
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على biosustain.dtu.dk
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Nutrient acquisition, rather than stress response over diel cycles, drives microbial transcription in a hyper-arid Namib Desert soil
C León-Sobrino, JB Ramond, G Maggs-Kölling, DA Cowan
Frontiers in microbiology 10, 1054, 2019
CRISPR-Cas adaptive immune systems of the Sulfolobales: unravelling their complexity and diversity
RA Garrett, SA Shah, S Erdmann, G Liu, M Mousaei, C León-Sobrino, ...
Life 5 (1), 783-817, 2015
A novel single-tailed fusiform Sulfolobus virus STSV2 infecting model Sulfolobus species
S Erdmann, B Chen, X Huang, L Deng, C Liu, SA Shah, ...
Extremophiles 18, 51-60, 2014
Transcriptome changes in STSV2‐infected Sulfolobus islandicus REY15A undergoing continuous CRISPR spacer acquisition
C León‐Sobrino, WP Kot, RA Garrett
Molecular Microbiology 99 (4), 719-728, 2016
Phages actively challenge niche communities in Antarctic soils
OKI Bezuidt, PH Lebre, R Pierneef, C León-Sobrino, EM Adriaenssens, ...
Msystems 5 (3), 10.1128/msystems. 00234-20, 2020
Stable maintenance of the rudivirus SIRV3 in a carrier state in Sulfolobus islandicus despite activation of the CRISPR-Cas immune response by a second virus SMV1
P Papathanasiou, S Erdmann, C Leon-Sobrino, K Sharma, H Urlaub, ...
RNA biology 16 (4), 557-565, 2019
Microbial ecology of the Namib Desert
JB Ramond, J Baxter, G Maggs-Kölling, L Martínez-Alvarez, DA Read, ...
Model Ecosystems in Extreme Environments, 113-143, 2019
With a pinch of salt: metagenomic insights into Namib Desert salt pan microbial mats and halites reveal functionally adapted and competitive communities
L Martínez-Alvarez, JB Ramond, S Vikram, C León-Sobrino, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 89 (12), e00629-23, 2023
Temporal dynamics of microbial transcription in wetted hyperarid desert soils
C León-Sobrino, JB Ramond, C Coclet, RM Kapitango, G Maggs-Kölling, ...
bioRxiv, 2021
Nutrient acquisition, rather than stress response over diel cycles, drives microbial transcription in a dessicated Namib Desert soil
C León-Sobrino, JB Ramond, G Maggs-Kölling, DA Cowan
bioRxiv, 432427, 2018
STSV2 as a Model Crenarchaeal Virus for Studying Virus-host Interactions and CRISPR-Cas Adaptive Immunity
CL Sobrino
University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–11