Mohsen Adeli Sardooei
Mohsen Adeli Sardooei
Assistant Prof. University of Jiroft
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ut.ac.ir - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Water crisis in Iran: A system dynamics approach on water, energy, food, land and climate (WEFLC) nexus
AA Barati, MD Pour, MA Sardooei
Science of the Total Environment 882, 163549, 2023
A cross-sectional study of the seroprevalence and flock-level factors associated with ovine and caprine brucellosis in southeastern Iran
H Sharifi, S Tabatabaei, H Rashidi, S Kazeminia, F Sabbagh, P Khajooei, ...
Iranian journal of veterinary research 15 (4), 370, 2014
Assessment of aquacrop model in the simulation of potato yield and water use efficiency under different water regimes
AAGR Afsharmanesh, M Adeli, A Malekian
Journal of Biological and Environmental Sciences 8 (23), 2014
Economic impact of mastitis in dairy cows: Case study of Tehran Province, Iran
H Sharifi, M Adeli Sardooei, M Bodagh Abadi, H Babaei
Iranian Journal of Veterinary Surgery 9 (2), 39-44, 2014
Application of ordered logit model to determine factors affecting adoption of integrated pest management practices among greenhouse owners in Jiroft county
BH MA Sardoei, M Khodaverdizadeh
J Sci Technol Greenhouse Cult 8 (3), 107-119, 2017
Estimating the Willingness to Pay of some JIROFT Households to Protect Wildlife and a Determination of the Factors Affecting It (Case study of Grey Francolin)
EP Mohsen Adeli Sardooei, Babollah Haiati
Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research 43 (2 …, 2012
A survey on the effect of drought on environmental indices derived from the MODIS data over the 2001-2019 period (Case study: Rangelands of Isfahan province)
H Eskandari Damaneh, H Eskandari Damaneh, H Khosravi, A Gilevari, ...
Rangeland 15 (3), 460-476, 2021
Impact of Rural Tourism Development on Cultural Components of Rural Residents: A Case Study of Jiroft County of Iran
MAS Amin Dehghani
Village and Development 21 (1), 71-90, 2018
University educated women's entrepreneurs
O Sharifi, A Asady, R Rezaei, M Adeli
Women Studies 1 (1), 72-106, 2010
Identifying the determinants of Jiroft farmers' willingness to adoption levels of crop pattern based on water resources
M Adeli Sardooei, A Asadi, K Kalantari, A Barati, H Khosravi
Iranian Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development Research 54 (3 …, 2023
Psychological Characteristics Affecting the Entrepreneurship of Agricultural Students of Tabriz University
OS Shapour Zarifian, Esmaeil Pishbahar, Mehdi Adeli Sardooei
Iranian Agricultural Extension and Education 11 (1), 19-30, 2015
Analysis of Adoption of Biological Control practices in Tomato Farms of Jiroft County Using Duration Analysis
PMAS Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2015, B Hayati, H Sharifi
Rural Development Strategies 2 (3), 351-365, 2015
Factors Effecting Sustainability of Agriculture Practices in Jiroft County (Case Study: Onion, Potato and Tomato)
M. Adeli Sardooie , B. Hayati , Sh. Zarifian , S.D. Hosseini Nasab
Agricultural Economics and Development 25 (4), 459-468, 2012
Comparison of Sustainable Agriculture of Practices in Vegetables of Jiroft County (Case Study: Onions, Potatos and Tomatos)
MA Sardoie, B Hayati, S Zarifian, SDH Nasab, RM Rezaie
Journal of Agricultural Science and Sustainable Production 21 (1), 15-28, 2011
Assessment of land degradation using Landsat satellite data in the period 2011-2021 (Case Study: Isfahan county)
H Eskandari, H Eskandari Damaneh, H Khosravi, M Cheraghi, ...
Journal of RS and GIS for Natural Resources, 2021
Cumulative incidence of mastitis in dairy herds in Tehran province
JKK Hamid Sharifi , Mina Badaghabadi, Mohsen Adeli Sardooei
Journal of Veterinary Research 71 (3), 271-275, 2016
Management of Date Palm Leaf Waste Consumption in Animal Feeding: The Case of Ranchers in the South of Kerman Province
MA Sardooei, M Khodaverdizadeh, O Esmaeilipour
International Journal of Agricultural Management and Development (IJAMAD) 11 …, 2021
Barriers of Implementing the Water Conservation Activities in Drought Conditions in the South Of Kerman
S Behroozeh, S Behroozeh, L Haji, M Adeli Sardooei
Irrigation and Water Engineering 15 (1), 200-220, 2024
Assessing intention of Jiroft plain farmers towards cultivating crops suited to water resources: application of the theory of planned behavior and health belief model.
MA Sardooei, A Asadi, K Kalantari, AA Barati, H Khosravi
Prospects to the Water Crisis in Iran: Application of System Dynamics Modeling Approach
AA Barati, MD Pour, MA Sardooei
Available at SSRN 4293074, 2022
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20