Alicia Certain
Alicia Certain
Research Square
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
On the use of SRIM for computing radiation damage exposure
RE Stoller, MB Toloczko, GS Was, AG Certain, S Dwaraknath, FA Garner
Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research section B: beam …, 2013
Radiation stability of nanoclusters in nano-structured oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels
A Certain, S Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, DT Hoelzer, TR Allen
Journal of Nuclear Materials 434 (1-3), 311-321, 2013
Application of STEM characterization for investigating radiation effects in BCC Fe-based alloys
CM Parish, KG Field, AG Certain, JP Wharry
Journal of Materials Research 30 (9), 1275-1289, 2015
Response of nanoclusters in a 9Cr ODS steel to 1 dpa, 525 C proton irradiation
AG Certain, KG Field, TR Allen, MK Miller, J Bentley, JT Busby
Journal of nuclear materials 407 (1), 2-9, 2010
Stability of nanoclusters in 14YWT oxide dispersion strengthened steel under heavy ion-irradiation by atom probe tomography
J He, F Wan, K Sridharan, TR Allen, A Certain, V Shutthanandan, YQ Wu
Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (1-3), 41-45, 2014
Characterization of microstructure and property evolution in advanced cladding and duct: Materials exposed to high dose and elevated temperature
TR Allen, D Kaoumi, JP Wharry, Z Jiao, C Topbasi, A Kohnert, L Barnard, ...
Journal of Materials Research 30 (9), 1246-1274, 2015
Response of 9Cr-ODS steel to proton irradiation at 400 C
J He, F Wan, K Sridharan, TR Allen, A Certain, YQ Wu
Journal of Nuclear Materials 452 (1-3), 87-94, 2014
Erratum to" On the use of SRIM for computing radiation damage exposure"[Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 310 (2013) 75-80]
RE Stoller, MB Toloczko, GS Was, AG Certain, S Dwaraknath, FA Garner
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 459, 196-197, 2019
Ballistic effects on the copper precipitation and re-dissolution kinetics in an ion irradiated and thermally annealed Fe–Cu alloy
D Xu, A Certain, HJ Lee Voigt, T Allen, BD Wirth
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (10), 2016
Investigation of cascade-induced re-solution from nanometer sized coherent precipitates in dilute Fe–Cu alloys
A Certain, HJL Voigt, TR Allen, BD Wirth
Journal of nuclear materials 432 (1-3), 281-286, 2013
TEM characterization of crept and irradiated nano-structured ferritic alloys
J Bentley, DT Hoelzer, JT Busby, AG Certain, TR Allen, D Kaoumi, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 15 (S2), 1350-1351, 2009
Update on effect of irradiation on microstructure and tensile properties of MA957
MB Toloczko, AG Certain, P Hosemann, N Bailey
The Fuel Cycle R&D Initiative, 2013
Radiation Stability of Nanoclusters in Nanofeatured Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) Steel
AG Certain
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2012
Atom Probe Tomography as a Tool for Characterizing Irradiated Materials
MK Miller, KF Russell, DT Hoelzer, L Kovarik, MJ Mills, AG Certain, ...
Microscopy and Microanalysis 16 (S2), 1602-1603, 2010
Modeling the Radiation Stability of Nanoclusters in Ferritic Steels
A Certain, TR Allen, HJ Lee, D Xu, BD Wirth
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 102, 2010
Response of nanoclusters in nanostructured ferritic alloys to low-dose proton irradiation
AG Certain, KG Field, TR Allen, MK Miller, J Bentley
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 102, 846-847, 2010
Temperature Effects on the High Dose Radiation Resistance of Nano-Sized Clusters in Nanostructured Ferritic Alloys
A Certain, S Kuchibhatla, V Shutthanandan, C Parish, T Allen, D Hoelzer
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012
Radiation Response the Nanostructured Ferritic Alloy 14 YWT to High Dose Irradiation
A Certain, J Bentley, S Shutthanandan, D Hoelzer, T Allen
Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box …, 2011
A Study of the Initial Effects of Irradiation on Nanocluster Stability on ODS Steel
A Certain, J Bentley, M Miller, J Busby, R Ulfig, T Allen, K Field
Minerals, Metals and Materials Society/AIME, 420 Commonwealth Dr., P. O. Box …, 2010
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مقالات 1–19