Aseem Prakash
Aseem Prakash
Walker Family Professor; Director, Center for Environmental Politics
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Green clubs and voluntary governance: ISO 14001 and firms' regulatory compliance
M Potoski, A Prakash
American Journal of Political Science 49 (2), 235-248, 2005
Green marketing, public policy and managerial strategies
A Prakash
Business strategy and the environment 11 (5), 285-297, 2002
Racing to the bottom? Trade, environmental governance, and ISO 14001
A Prakash, M Potoski
American Journal of Political Science 50 (2), 350-364, 2006
Using ideas strategically: The contest between business and NGO networks in intellectual property rights
SK Sell, A Prakash
International Studies Quarterly 48 (1), 143-175, 2004
Covenants with weak swords: ISO 14001 and facilities' environmental performance
M Potoski, A Prakash
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 24 (4), 745-769, 2005
The voluntary environmentalists: Green clubs, ISO 14001, and voluntary environmental regulations
A Prakash, M Potoski
Cambridge University Press, 2006
Greening the firm: The politics of corporate environmentalism
A Prakash
Cambridge University Press, 2000
Globalization and governance
A Prakash, JA Hart
Routledge, 1999
Hands off my regime! Governments’ restrictions on foreign aid to non-governmental organizations in poor and middle-income countries
K Dupuy, J Ron, A Prakash
World Development 84, 299-311, 2016
Trade-based diffusion of labor rights: A panel study, 1986–2002
B Greenhill, L Mosley, A Prakash
American Political Science Review 103 (4), 669-690, 2009
Who survived? Ethiopia's regulatory crackdown on foreign-funded NGOs
KE Dupuy, J Ron, A Prakash
Review of International Political Economy 22 (2), 419-456, 2015
Collective action through voluntary environmental programs: A club theory perspective
A Prakash, M Potoski
Policy Studies Journal 35 (4), 773-792, 2007
Investing Up: FDI and the Cross‐Country Diffusion of ISO 14001 Management Systems
A Prakash, M Potoski
International Studies Quarterly 51 (3), 723-744, 2007
Advocacy organizations and collective action
A Prakash, MK Gugerty
Cambridge Univ Pr, 2010
The regulation dilemma: Cooperation and conflict in environmental governance
M Potoski, A Prakash
Public Administration Review 64 (2), 152-163, 2004
“Bluewashing” the Firm? Voluntary Regulations, Program Design, and Member Compliance with the U nited N ations G lobal C ompact
D Berliner, A Prakash
Policy Studies Journal 43 (1), 115-138, 2015
Voluntary programs: A club theory perspective
M Potoski, A Prakash
The MIT Press, 2009
EMS-based environmental regimes as club goods: Examining variations in firm-level adoption of ISO 14001 and EMAS in UK, US and Germany
K Kolln, A Prakash
Policy sciences 35 (1), 43-67, 2002
Why do firms adopt ‘beyond‐compliance’environmental policies?
A Prakash
Business strategy and the environment 10 (5), 286-299, 2001
Bargains old and new: multinational corporations in global governance
DL Levy, A Prakash
Business and Politics 5 (2), 131-150, 2003
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مقالات 1–20