Bruce Keillor
Bruce Keillor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Removing the contextual lens: A multinational, multi-setting comparison of service evaluation models
MK Brady, GA Knight, JJ Cronin Jr, G Tomas, M Hult, BD Keillor
Journal of retailing 81 (3), 215-230, 2005
A five‐country study of national identity: Implications for international marketing research and practice
BD Keillor, G Tomas M. Hult
International Marketing Review 16 (1), 65-84, 1999
An empirical investigation of Japanese consumer ethics
RC Erffmeyer, BD Keillor, DT LeClair
Journal of Business Ethics 18, 35-50, 1999
Relationship‐oriented characteristics and individual salesperson performance
BD Keillor, R Stephen Parker, CE Pettijohn
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 15 (1), 7-22, 2000
Global consumer tendencies
BD Keillor, M D'Amico, V Horton
Psychology & Marketing 18 (1), 1-19, 2001
A study of the service encounter in eight countries
BD Keillor, GTM Hult, D Kandemir
Journal of International Marketing 12 (1), 9-35, 2004
NATID: The development and application of a national identity measure for use in international marketing
BD Keillor, GTM Hult, RC Erffmeyer, E Babakus
Journal of International Marketing 4 (2), 57-73, 1996
Are performance appraisals a bureaucratic exercise or can they be used to enhance sales‐force satisfaction and commitment?
C Pettijohn, LS Pettijohn, AJ Taylor, BD Keillor
Psychology & Marketing 18 (4), 337-364, 2001
Influences on adolescent brand preferences in the United States and Mexico
BD Keillor, RS Parker, A Schaefer
Journal of Advertising Research 36 (3), 47-57, 1996
Sales force performance satisfaction and aspects of relational selling: Implications for sales managers
BD Keillor, RS Parker, CE Pettijohn
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice 7 (1), 101-115, 1999
Salesforce automation issues prior to implementation: the relationship between attitudes toward technology, experience and productivity
BD Keillor, RE Bashaw, CE Pettijohn
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 12 (3/4), 209-219, 1997
A cross—cultural/cross national study of influencing factors and socially desirable response biases
BD Keillor, D Owens, C Pettijohn
International Journal of Market Research 43 (1), 1-19, 2001
A cross-national assessment of social desirability bias and consumer ethnocentrism
GTM Hult, BD Keillor, BA Lafferty
Journal of Global Marketing 12 (4), 29-43, 1999
Threats to international operations: dealing with political risk at the firm level
BD Keillor, TJ Wilkinson, D Owens
Journal of Business Research 58 (5), 629-635, 2005
The service encounter in a multi‐national context
BD Keillor, D Lewison, G Tomas M. Hult, W Hauser
Journal of Services Marketing 21 (6), 451-461, 2007
Adaptive selling and sales performance: An empirical examination
CE Pettijohn, LS Pettijohn, BD Keillor, AJ Taylor
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR) 16 (1), 2000
Assessing marketing journals: a mission-based approach
JM Hawes, B Keillor
Journal of the Academy of Business Education 3 (2), 70-86, 2002
Marketing in the 21st Century
BD Keillor
Greenwood, 2007
Marketing-based strategies for recruiting business students in the next century
BD Keillor, RP Bush, AJ Bush
Marketing Education Review 5 (3), 69-79, 1995
Valued product attributes in an emerging market: a comparison between French and Malaysian consumers
GTM Hult, BD Keillor, R Hightower
Journal of World Business 35 (2), 206-220, 2000
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مقالات 1–20