Saad Al-Azawi
Saad Al-Azawi
University of Diyala, College of Engineering
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uodiyala.edu.iq
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Social touch gesture recognition using convolutional neural network
S Albawi, O Bayat, S Al-Azawi, ON Ucan
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2018 (1), 6973103, 2018
Image compression algorithms using intensity based adaptive quantization coding
S Al-Azawi, S Boussakta, A Yakovlev
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 4 (4), 504-512, 2011
A systematic mapping study on touch classification
SQ Fleh, O Bayat, S Al-Azawi, ON Uçan
Int Journal Computer Science & Network Security-Ijcsns, 2018
Low complexity multidimensional CDF 5/3 DWT architecture
S Al-Azawi, YA Abbas, R Jidin
2014 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks …, 2014
Low-Power, Low-Area Multi-level 2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Architecture
S Al-Azawi
Springer; Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 2017
High precision and low power DCT architectures for image compression applications
S Al-Azawi, S Boussakta, A Yakovlev
IET Digital Library, 2012
Design and simulation of CRC encoder and decoder using VHDL
AH Saleh, KM Saleh, S Al-Azawi
2018 1st International Scientific Conference of Engineering Sciences-3rd …, 2018
New fast and area-efficient pipeline 3-D DCT architectures
S Al-Azawi, O Nibouche, S Boussakta, G Lightbody
Digital Signal Processing 84, 15-25, 2019
Performance improvement algorithms for colour image compression using DWT and multilevel block truncation coding
S Al-Azawi, S Boussakta, A Yakovlev
2010 7th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks …, 2010
Design and implementation of an embedded system for software defined radio
AE Abdelkareem, SM Saleh, AD Jasim
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 7 (6), 3484, 2017
Low complexity image compression algorithm using AMBTC and bit plane squeezing
S Al-Azawi, S Boussakta, A Yakovlev
International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications …, 2011
FPGA Implementation of FIR Filter Design Based on Novel Vedic Multiplier
S Alkurwy, S Al-Azawi, N Al Darraji
International Review on Modelling and Simulations 12 (2), 66, 2019
Small footprint mix-column serial for photon and LED lightweight cryptography
YA Abbas, R Jidin, N Jamil, MR Z’aba, S Al-Azawi
2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE …, 2018
An efficient image compression algorithm for bayer-pattern images
SM Saleh, KA Humood, AH Saleh
Journal of Engineering and Sustainable Development 19 (3), 50-61, 2015
Efficient architectures for multidimensional discrete transforms in image and video processing applications
SMS Al-Azawi
Newcastle University, 2013
Low Power and High Speed Sequential Circuits Test Architecture
SAA Ahmed K. Jameil, Yasir Amer Abbas
Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications Formerly Recent …, 2021
Software Architecture Recovery with the ArRTool
AR Raheem, WA Mahmood, LK Almajmaie, S Albawi, S Alazawi, O Bayat
Design Engineering, 6186-6207, 2021
Test mode for FIR filter design using FPGA
SAASA Ahmed K. Jameil, Yasir Amer Abbas
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11 (01-SPECIAL …, 2019
Low Complexity Multilevel 2-D DHWT Architecture
SM Saleh, AE Abdelkareem
Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences 8 (4), 2015
Design of 2x4 Alamouti Transceiver Using FPGA
WNAA Khalid Awaad Humood, Saad Mohammed Saleh
International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology 3 (11), 1726-1735, 2014
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20