Paolo Cignoni
Paolo Cignoni
Research Director, ISTI - CNR, Pisa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
MeshLab: an Open-Source 3D Mesh Processing System
P Cignoni, M Corsini, G Ranzuglia
ERCIM NEWS 73, 47-48, 2008
Metro: Measuring Error on Simplified Surfaces
P Cignoni, C Rocchini, R Scopigno
Computer graphics forum 17 (2), 167-174, 1998
A comparison of mesh simplification algorithms
P Cignoni, C Montani, R Scopigno
Computers & Graphics 22 (1), 37-54, 1998
Ambient occlusion and edge cueing for enhancing real time molecular visualization
M Tarini, P Cignoni, C Montani
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 12 (5), 1237-1244, 2006
A low cost 3D scanner based on structured light
C Rocchini, P Cignoni, C Montani, P Pingi, R Scopigno
Computer Graphics Forum 20 (3), 299-308, 2001
Efficient and flexible sampling with blue noise properties of triangular meshes
M Corsini, P Cignoni, R Scopigno
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 18 (6), 914-924, 2012
DeWall: A fast divide and conquer Delaunay triangulation algorithm in Ed
P Cignoni, C Montani, R Scopigno
Computer-Aided Design 30 (5), 333-341, 1998
M Tarini, K Hormann, P Cignoni, C Montani
ACM transactions on graphics (TOG) 23 (3), 853-860, 2004
BDAM—batched dynamic adaptive meshes for high performance terrain visualization
P Cignoni, F Ganovelli, E Gobbetti, F Marton, F Ponchio, R Scopigno
Computer Graphics Forum 22 (3), 505-514, 2003
Multiresolution decimation based on global error
A Ciampalini, P Cignoni, C Montani, R Scopigno
Visual Computer 13 (5), 228-246, 1997
Elastic textures for additive fabrication.
J Panetta, Q Zhou, L Malomo, N Pietroni, P Cignoni, D Zorin
ACM Trans. Graph. 34 (4), 135:1-135:12, 2015
Speeding up isosurface extraction using interval trees
P Cignoni, P Marino, C Montani, E Puppo, R Scopigno
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 3 (2), 158-170, 1997
External memory management and simplification of huge meshes
P Cignoni, C Montani, C Rocchini, R Scopigno
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 9 (4), 525-537, 2003
Adaptive tetrapuzzles: efficient out-of-core construction and visualization of gigantic multiresolution polygonal models
P Cignoni, F Ganovelli, E Gobbetti, F Marton, F Ponchio, R Scopigno
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 23 (3), 796-803, 2004
Planet-sized batched dynamic adaptive meshes (P-BDAM)
P Cignoni, F Ganovelli, E Gobbetti, F Marton, F Ponchio, R Scopigno
IEEE Visualization, 2003. VIS 2003., 147-154, 2003
Digital fabrication techniques for cultural heritage: a survey
R Scopigno, P Cignoni, N Pietroni, M Callieri, M Dellepiane
Computer graphics forum 36 (1), 6-21, 2017
Protected interactive 3D graphics via remote rendering
D Koller, M Turitzin, M Levoy, M Tarini, G Croccia, P Cignoni, R Scopigno
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 23 (3), 695-703, 2004
Representation and visualization of terrain surfaces at variable resolution
P Cignoni, E Puppo, R Scopigno
Visual Computer 13 (5), 199-217, 1997
Multiple textures stitching and blending on 3D objects
C Rocchini, P Cignoni, C Montani, R Scopigno
Rendering Techniques’ 99: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in …, 1999
A general method for preserving attribute values on simplified meshes
P Cignoni, C Montani, C Rocchini, R Scopigno
Proceedings Visualization'98 (Cat. No. 98CB36276), 59-66, 1998
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مقالات 1–20