Clemente Forero-Pineda
Clemente Forero-Pineda
Full Professor, Universidad de los Andes School of Management
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The impact of stronger intellectual property rights on science and technology in developing countries
C Forero-Pineda
Research Policy 35 (6), 808-824, 2006
The Relationship Between Perceptions of Insecurity, Social Capital, and Subjective Well-Being: Empirical Evidences from Areas of Rural Conflict in Colombia
E Wills-Herrera, LE Orozco, C Forero-Pineda, O Pardo, V Andonova
Subjective Well-Being and Security, 177-196, 2012
Escuela nueva's impact on the peaceful social interaction of children in Colombia
C Forero-Pineda, D Escobar-Rodríguez, D Molina
Education for All and Multigrade Teaching, 265-300, 2006
The access of researchers from developing countries to international science and technology
C Forero‐Pineda, H Jaramillo‐Salazar
International Social Science Journal 54 (171), 129-140, 2002
Planeación participativa: estrategia de paz
CF Pineda, GC Moreno, CC Martínez
Consejo Nacional de Planeación, 1999
Cincuenta años de ciencia en Colombia 1955-2005
JL Villaveces, C Forero-Pineda
Fundación Alejandro Ángel Escobar 50, 97-133, 2007
Intellectual property rights over ethnic communities' knowledge
A Zerda‐Sarmiento, C Forero‐Pineda
International social science journal 54 (171), 99-114, 2002
Trajectories of innovation: A new approach to studying innovation performance
J Juliao-Rossi, C Forero-Pineda, M Losada-Otalora, N Peña-García
Journal of Business Research 115, 322-333, 2020
Internal and external search strategies of innovative firms: the role of the target market
G Ruiz-Pava, C Forero-Pineda
Journal of Knowledge Management, 2018
Innovation patterns and intellectual property in SMEs of a developing country
C Forero-Pineda, D Laureiro-Martinez, A Marín
Innovar 21 (42), 113-128, 2011
Innovation patterns and intellectual property in SMEs of a developing country
C Forero-Pineda, D Laureiro-Martinez, A Marín
Innovar 21 (42), 113-128, 2011
Innovation patterns and intellectual property in SMEs of a developing country
C Forero-Pineda, D Laureiro-Martinez, A Marín
Innovar 21 (42), 113-128, 2011
Special Issue Papers
C Forero-Pineda, D Laureiro-Martinez, A Marín
Inseguridad rural y asociatividad: una investigación sobre violencia y formas organizativas en zonas de conflicto
LE Orozco Collazos, C Forero Pineda, E Wills Herrera
Ediciones Uniandes-Universidad de los Andes, 2013
The quest for visibility of scientific journals in Latin America
C Estrada-Mejía, C Forero-Pineda
Learned Publishing 23 (3), 237-252, 2010
Violence, Insecurity and Hybrid Organisational Forms: A Study in Conflict-Ridden Zones in Colombia
C Forero-Pineda, E Wills Herrera, V Andonova, LE Orozco Collazos, ...
Journal of Development Studies 50 (6), 789-802, 2014
El acceso de los investigadores de los países menos desarrollados a la ciencia y la tecnología internacional
C Forero-Pineda, H Jaramillo-Salazar
Revista Internacional de Ciencias Sociales 171, 2002
De la trampa al desarrollo endógeno: limitaciones y potencial de la comunidad científica colombiana
C Forero Pineda
Scientific research, information flows and the impact of database protection on developing countries
C Forero Pineda
Open Access and the Public Domain in Digital Data and Information for …, 2004
Participatory democracy in Latin America: a comparative analysis
C Forero-Pineda
International Society for New Institutional Economics, Berkeley. http://66.102 1, 2001
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مقالات 1–20