Coût des relations d’équivalence et des groupes D Gaboriau
Inventiones mathematicae 139 (1), 41-98, 2000
380 2000 Invariants de relations d’équivalence et de groupes D Gaboriau
Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS 95, 93-150, 2002
347 2002 Pseudogroups of isometries of ℝ and Rips’ theorem on free actions on ℝ-trees D Gaboriau, G Levitt, F Paulin
Israel Journal of Mathematics 87, 403-428, 1994
165 1994 An index for counting fixed points of automorphisms of free groups D Gaboriau, A Jaeger, G Levitt, M Lustig
156 1998 A measurable-group-theoretic solution to von Neumann’s problem D Gaboriau, R Lyons
Inventiones mathematicae 177 (3), 533-540, 2009
142 2009 The rank of actions on -trees D Gaboriau, G Levitt
Annales scientifiques de l'Ecole normale supérieure 28 (5), 549-570, 1995
122 1995 An uncountable family of nonorbit equivalent actions of 𝔽_ {𝕟} D Gaboriau, S Popa
Journal of the American Mathematical Society 18 (3), 547-559, 2005
117 2005 Orbit equivalence and measured group theory D Gaboriau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.0132, 2010
107 2010 Examples of groups that are measure equivalent to the free group D Gaboriau
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 25 (6), 1809-1827, 2005
84 2005 Sur les immeubles hyperboliques (On hyperbolic buildings) D Gaboriau, F Paulin
Geometriae Dedicata 88, 153-197, 2001
83 2001 On orbit equivalence of measure preserving actions D Gaboriau
Rigidity in Dynamics and Geometry: Contributions from the Programme Ergodic …, 2002
69 2002 Invariant percolation and harmonic Dirichlet functions D Gaboriau
Geometric & Functional Analysis GAFA 15 (5), 1004-1051, 2005
58 2005 Asymptotique des nombres de Betti, invariants et laminations N Bergeron, D Gaboriau
Commentarii mathematici helvetici 79 (2), 362-395, 2004
55 2004 Mercuriale de groupes et de relations D Gaboriau
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 326 (2), 219-222, 1998
38 1998 A dendrological proof of the Scott conjecture for automorphisms of free groups D Gaboriau, G Levitt, M Lustig
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 41 (2), 325-332, 1998
30 1998 Free products, orbit equivalence and measure equivalence rigidity A Alvarez, D Gaboriau
arXiv preprint arXiv:0806.2788, 2008
24 2008 Cost, ℓ 2 -Betti numbers and the sofic entropy of some algebraic actions D Gaboriau, B Seward
Journal d'analyse mathématique 139 (1), 1-65, 2019
23 2019 Pseudogroups of isometries of ℝ: reconstruction of free actions on ℝ-trees D Gaboriau, G Levitt, F Paulin
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 15 (4), 633-652, 1995
22 1995 Sur la (co-) homologie L2 des actions préservant une mesure D Gaboriau
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences-Series I-Mathematics 330 (5), 365-370, 2000
21 2000 Free product actions with relative property (T) and trivial outer automorphism groups D Gaboriau
Journal of Functional Analysis 260 (2), 414-427, 2011
20 2011