Llorenç Serra
Llorenç Serra
University of the Balearic Islands, IFISC (UIB-CSIC), Physics Dept.
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Spin response of unpolarized quantum dots
L Serra, E Lipparini
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 40, 667, 1997
Fano-Rashba effect in a quantum wire
D Sánchez, L Serra
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (15), 153313, 2006
Thermoelectric transport of mesoscopic conductors coupled to voltage and thermal probes
D Sánchez, L Serra
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (20), 201307, 2011
Thermoelectrical detection of Majorana states
R López, M Lee, L Serra, JS Lim
Physical Review B 89 (20), 205418, 2014
Dipole excitation of Na clusters with a non-local energy density functional
A Puente, L Serra, M Casas
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 31, 283-286, 1994
Single-particle and collective degrees of freedom in C60
F Alasia, RA Broglia, HE Roman, L Serra, G Colo, JM Pacheco
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 27 (18), L643, 1994
Core polarization in the optical response of metal clusters: generalized time-dependent density-functional theory
L Serra, A Rubio
Physical review letters 78 (8), 1428, 1997
Rashba interaction in quantum wires with in-plane magnetic fields
L Serra, D Sánchez, R López
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (23), 235309, 2005
Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire with local Rashba interaction
D Sánchez, L Serra, MS Choi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (3), 035315, 2008
Surface collective oscillations of metal clusters and spheres: Random-phase-approximation sum-rules approach
L Serra, F Garcias, M Barranco, J Navarro, C Balbás, A Maanes
Physical Review B 39 (12), 8247, 1989
Magnetic-field instability of Majorana modes in multiband semiconductor wires
JS Lim, L Serra, R López, R Aguado
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 121103, 2012
From Coulomb blockade to the Kondo regime in a Rashba dot
R López, D Sánchez, L Serra
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (3), 035307, 2007
Density functional calculations for4He droplets
M Casas, F Dalfovo, A Lastri, L Serra, S Stringari
Zeitschrift für Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters 35, 67-75, 1995
Spin splitting and precession in quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling: The role of spatial deformation
M Valín-Rodríguez, A Puente, L Serra
Physical Review B 69 (8), 085306, 2004
Orbital current mode in elliptical quantum dots
L Serra, A Puente, E Lipparini
Physical Review B 60 (20), 13966-13969, 1999
Current-density-functional approach to large quantum dots in intense magnetic fields
M Pi, M Barranco, A Emperador, E Lipparini, L Serra
Physical Review B 57 (23), 14783, 1998
Dielectric screening effects on the photoabsorption cross section of embedded metallic clusters
A Rubio, L Serra
Physical Review B 48 (24), 18222, 1993
Spin and density longitudinal response of quantum dots in time-dependent local-spin-density approximation
L Serra, M Barranco, A Emperador, M Pi, E Lipparini
Arxiv preprint cond-mat/9806104, 1998
Oscillation modes of two-dimensional nanostructures within the time-dependent local-spin-density approximation
A Puente, L Serra
Physical review letters 83 (16), 3266, 1999
Electronic spin precession in semiconductor quantum dots with spin-orbit coupling
M Valín-Rodríguez, A Puente, L Serra, E Lipparini
Physical Review B 66 (23), 235322, 2002
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مقالات 1–20