Chang Woo Kim
Chang Woo Kim
Associate Professor, Department of Nanotechnology Engineering, Pukyong National University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على pknu.ac.kr - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Synthesis and Characterization of Antibacterial Ag−SiO2 Nanocomposite
YH Kim, DK Lee, HG Cha, CW Kim, YS Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (9), 3629-3635, 2007
Preparation and Characterization of the Antibacterial Cu Nanoparticle Formed on the Surface of SiO2 Nanoparticles
YH Kim, DK Lee, HG Cha, CW Kim, YC Kang, YS Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (49), 24923-24928, 2006
Facile Fabrication of WO3 Nanoplates Thin Films with Dominant Crystal Facet of (002) for Water Splitting
JY Zheng, G Song, J Hong, TK Van, AU Pawar, DY Kim, CW Kim, ...
Crystal growth & design 14 (11), 6057-6066, 2014
(040)‐Crystal Facet Engineering of BiVO4 Plate Photoanodes for Solar Fuel Production
CW Kim, YS Son, MJ Kang, DY Kim, YS Kang
Advanced Energy Materials 6 (4), 1501754, 2016
Synthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles of Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4 and Their Surface Modification by Surfactant Adsorption
SY Zhao, DG Lee, CW Kim, HG Cha, YH Kim, YS Kang
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 27 (2), 237-242, 2006
Tuning of the crystal engineering and photoelectrochemical properties of crystalline tungsten oxide for optoelectronic device applications
JY Zheng, Z Haider, TK Van, AU Pawar, MJ Kang, CW Kim, YS Kang
CrystEngComm 17 (32), 6070-6093, 2015
General Review on the Components and Parameters of Photoelectrochemical System for CO2 Reduction with in Situ Analysis
AU Pawar, CW Kim, MT Nguyen-Le, YS Kang
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (8), 7431-7455, 2019
Crystal facet engineering of ZnO photoanode for the higher water splitting efficiency with proton transferable nafion film
AU Pawar, CW Kim, MJ Kang, YS Kang
Nano Energy 20, 156-167, 2016
Copper nanoparticles incorporated with conducting polymer: effects of copper concentration and surfactants on the stability and conductivity
LQ Pham, JH Sohn, CW Kim, JH Park, HS Kang, BC Lee, YS Kang
Journal of colloid and interface science 365 (1), 103-109, 2012
A selectively exposed crystal facet-engineered TiO 2 thin film photoanode for the higher performance of the photoelectrochemical water splitting reaction
CW Kim, SJ Yeob, HM Cheng, YS Kang
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (12), 3646-3653, 2015
Fabrication of SrTiO 3–TiO 2 heterojunction photoanode with enlarged pore diameter for dye-sensitized solar cells
CW Kim, SP Suh, MJ Choi, YS Kang, YS Kang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (38), 11820-11827, 2013
Fabrication of (001)-oriented monoclinic WO 3 films on FTO substrates
JY Zheng, G Song, CW Kim, YS Kang
Nanoscale 5 (12), 5279-5282, 2013
Facile preparation of p-CuO and p-CuO/n-CuWO4 junction thin films and their photoelectrochemical properties
JY Zheng, G Song, CW Kim, YS Kang
Electrochimica acta 69, 340-344, 2012
Vast Magnetic Monolayer Film with Surfactant-Stabilized Fe3O4 Nanoparticles Using Langmuir−Blodgett Technique
DK Lee, YH Kim, CW Kim, HG Cha, YS Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 111 (31), 9288-9293, 2007
Encapsulated-dye all-organic charged colored ink nanoparticles for electrophoretic image display
SW Oh, CW Kim, HJ Cha, U Pal, YS Kang
Advanced Materials 21 (48), 4987, 2009
Preparation and characterization of α-Fe2O3 nanorod-thin film by metal–organic chemical vapor deposition
HG Cha, CW Kim, YH Kim, MH Jung, ES Ji, BK Das, JC Kim, YS Kang
Thin Solid Films 517 (5), 1853-1856, 2009
Synthesis of highly magnetized iron nanoparticles by a solventless thermal decomposition method
YC Han, HG Cha, CW Kim, YH Kim, YS Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (17), 6275-6280, 2007
Preparation and Spectroscopic Characterization of Ilmenite-Type Nanoparticles
GW Zhou, DG Lee, YH Kim, CW Kim, YS Kang
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 27 (3), 368-372, 2006
Effect of Different Surfactants on the Size Control and Optical Properties of Y2O3:Eu3+ Nanoparticles Prepared by Coprecipitation Method
AP Jadhav, CW Kim, HG Cha, AU Pawar, NA Jadhav, U Pal, YS Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (31), 13600-13604, 2009
Dielectric and magnetic properties of (x) CoFe2O4+(1− x) Ba0. 8Sr0. 2TiO3 magnetoelectric composites
CM Kanamadi, BK Das, CW Kim, DI Kang, HG Cha, ES Ji, AP Jadhav, ...
Materials Chemistry and Physics 116 (1), 6-10, 2009
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مقالات 1–20