Rebel A. Cole
Rebel A. Cole
Lynn Eminent Scholar Endowed Professor of Finance, Florida Atlantic University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على fau.edu - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Agency costs and ownership structure
JS Ang, RA Cole, JW Lin
the Journal of Finance 55 (1), 81-106, 2000
The importance of relationships to the availability of credit
RA Cole
Journal of Banking & Finance 22 (6-8), 959-977, 1998
Cookie cutter vs. character: The micro structure of small business lending by large and small banks
RA Cole, LG Goldberg, LJ White
Journal of financial and quantitative analysis 39 (2), 227-251, 2004
Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Causes of U.S. Commercial Bank Failures This Time Around
RA Cole, LJ White
Journal of financial services Research 42, 5-29, 2012
Expropriation through loan guarantees to related parties: Evidence from China
H Berkman, RA Cole, LJ Fu
Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (1), 141-156, 2009
Predicting bank failures: A comparison of on-and off-site monitoring systems
RA Cole, JW Gunther
Journal of Financial Services Research 13 (2), 103-117, 1998
Political connections and minority-shareholder protection: Evidence from securities-market regulation in China
H Berkman, RA Cole, LJ Fu
Journal of financial and quantitative analysis 45 (6), 1391-1417, 2010
Separating the likelihood and timing of bank failure
RA Cole, JW Gunther
Journal of Banking & Finance 19 (6), 1073-1089, 1995
What do we know about the capital structure of privately held US firms? Evidence from the surveys of small business finance
RA Cole
Financial management 42 (4), 777-813, 2013
Financial services used by small businesses: Evidence from the 1993 National Survey of Small Business Finances
RA Cole, JD Wolken
Fed. Res. Bull. 81, 629, 1995
Who needs credit and who gets credit? Evidence from the surveys of small business finances
R Cole, T Sokolyk
Journal of Financial Stability 24, 40-60, 2016
Debt financing, survival, and growth of start-up firms
RA Cole, T Sokolyk
Journal of Corporate Finance 50, 609-625, 2018
The effect of changes in ownership structure on performance: Evidence from the thrift industry
RA Cole, H Mehran
Journal of Financial economics 50 (3), 291-317, 1998
Bank stock returns and economic growth
RA Cole, F Moshirian, Q Wu
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (6), 995-1007, 2008
FIMS: A new monitoring system for banking institutions
RA Cole, BG Cronyn, JW Gunther
Fed. Res. Bull. 81, 1, 1995
Does deposit insurance improve financial intermediation? Evidence from the Russian experiment
L Chernykh, RA Cole
Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (2), 388-402, 2011
Bank and nonbank competition for small business credit: Evidence from the 1987 and 1993 National Surveys of Small Business Finances
RA Cole, JD Wolken, RL Woodburn
Fed. Res. Bull. 82, 983, 1996
A different look at commercial real estate returns
M Miles, R Cole, D Guilkey
Real Estate Economics 18 (4), 403-430, 1990
A CAMEL rating's shelf life
RA Cole, J Gunther
Available at SSRN 1293504, 1995
Gender and the availability of credit to privately held firms: evidence from the surveys of small business finances
RA Cole, H Mehran
Staff report, 2009
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مقالات 1–20