Donald D. Hickmott
Donald D. Hickmott
Staff Scientist, LANL
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Matrix effects in the detection of Pb and Ba in soils using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
AS Eppler, DA Cremers, DD Hickmott, MJ Ferris, AC Koskelo
Applied Spectroscopy 50 (9), 1175-1181, 1996
PT paths from garnet zoning: A new technique for deciphering tectonic processes in crystalline terranes
FS Spear, J Selverstone, D Hickmott, P Crowley, KV Hodges
Geology 12 (2), 87-90, 1984
Storage and separation applications of nanoporous metal–organic frameworks
R Zou, AI Abdel-Fattah, H Xu, Y Zhao, DD Hickmott
CrystEngComm 12 (5), 1337-1353, 2010
Trace-element zoning in a metamorphic garnet
DD Hickmott, N Shimizu, FS Spear, J Selverstone
Geology 15 (6), 573-576, 1987
Metamorphic consequences of thrust emplacement, Fall Mountain, New Hampshire
FS Spear, DD Hickmott, J Selverstone
Geological Society of America Bulletin 102 (10), 1344-1360, 1990
Major-and trace-element zoning in garnets from calcareous pelites in the NW Shelburne Falls Quadrangle, Massachusetts: Garnet growth histories in retrograded rocks
D Hickmott, FS Spear
Journal of Petrology 33 (5), 965-1005, 1992
Trace element zoning in garnet from the Kwoiek Area, British Columbia: disequilibrium partitioning during garnet growth?
DD Hickmott, N Shimizu
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 104 (6), 619-630, 1990
Trace-element partition coefficients for ilmenite, orthopyroxene and pyrrhotite in rhyolite determined by micro-PIXE analysis
J Stimac, D Hickmott
Chemical Geology 117 (1-4), 313-330, 1994
Distribution of dacite lavas beneath the Pajarito Plateau, Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
KE Samuels, DE Broxton, V DT, G Woldegabriel, JA Wolff, DD Hickmott, ...
Geology of the Jemez Region II: New Mexico Geological Society fifty-eighth …, 2007
Potential climate signals from the deep-sea gorgonian coral Primnoa resedaeformis
JM Heikoop, DD Hickmott, MJ Risk, CK Shearer, V Atudorei
Hydrobiologia 471, 117-124, 2002
A porous metal−organic replica of α-PbO2 for capture of nerve agent surrogate
R Zou, R Zhong, S Han, H Xu, AK Burrell, N Henson, JL Cape, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132, 17996-17999, 2010
Redistribution of Pb and other volatile trace metals during eruption, devitrification, and vapor-phase crystallization of the Bandelier Tuff, New Mexico
J Stimac, D Hickmott, R Abell, ACL Larocque, D Broxton, J Gardner, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 73 (3-4), 245-266, 1996
Anisotropic thermal expansion and hydrogen bonding behavior of portlandite: A high-temperature neutron diffraction study
H Xu, Y Zhao, SC Vogel, LL Daemen, DD Hickmott
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (4), 1519-1525, 2007
Porous metal−organic frameworks containing alkali-bridged two-fold interpenetration: Synthesis, gas adsorption, and fluorescence properties
R Zou, AI Abdel-Fattah, H Xu, AK Burrell, TE Larson, TM McCleskey, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 10 (3), 1301-1306, 2010
Metasomatism in a subduction complex: Constraints from microanalysis of trace elements in minerals from garnet amphibolite from the Catalina Schist
DD Hickmott, SS Sorensen, PSZ Rogers
Geology 20 (4), 347-350, 1992
Application of PIXE microanalysis to macerals and sulfides from the Lower Kittanning Coal of western Pennsylvania
DD Hickmott, WS Baldridge
Economic Geology 90 (2), 246-254, 1995
In situ neutron diffraction study of deuterated portlandite Ca(OD)2 at high pressure and temperature
H Xu, Y Zhao, J Zhang, DD Hickmott, LL Daemen
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 34, 223-232, 2007
Isotopic evidence for reduction of anthropogenic hexavalent chromium in Los Alamos National Laboratory groundwater
JM Heikoop, TM Johnson, KH Birdsell, P Longmire, DD Hickmott, ...
Chemical Geology 373, 1-9, 2014
Texture and microchemical data of oceanic hydrothermal calcite veins, Northern Appenine ophicalcites
B Treves, DD Hickmott, G Vaggelli
Ofioliti 20, 111-122, 1995
High-temperature neutron diffraction study of deuterated brucite
H Xu, Y Zhao, DD Hickmott, NJ Lane, SC Vogel, J Zhang, LL Daemen
Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 40, 799-810, 2013
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مقالات 1–20