David Deephouse (They/he)
David Deephouse (They/he)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Does isomorphism legitimate?
DL Deephouse
Academy of management journal 39 (4), 1024-1039, 1996
Media reputation as a strategic resource: An integration of mass communication and resource-based theories
DL Deephouse
Journal of management 26 (6), 1091-1112, 2000
Legitimacy in organizational institutionalism
DL Deephouse, M Suchman
The Sage handbook of organizational institutionalism 49, 77, 2008
To be different, or to be the same? It’sa question (and theory) of strategic balance
DL Deephouse
Strategic management journal 20 (2), 147-166, 1999
An examination of differences between organizational legitimacy and organizational reputation
DL Deephouse, SM Carter
Journal of management Studies 42 (2), 329-360, 2005
Do family firms have better reputations than non‐family firms? An integration of socioemotional wealth and social identity theories
DL Deephouse, P Jaskiewicz
Journal of management Studies 50 (3), 337-360, 2013
Organizational legitimacy: Six key questions
DL Deephouse, J Bundy, LP Tost, MC Suchman
The SAGE handbook of organizational institutionalism 4 (2), 27-54, 2017
A case study of stakeholder identification and prioritization by managers
MM Parent, DL Deephouse
Journal of business ethics 75, 1-23, 2007
Reputation, diversification, and organizational explanations of performance in professional service firms
R Greenwood, SX Li, R Prakash, DL Deephouse
Organization Science 16 (6), 661-673, 2005
Do strategic groups differ in reputation?
TD Ferguson, DL Deephouse, WL Ferguson
Strategic management journal 21 (12), 1195-1214, 2000
Competitive positioning within and across a strategic group structure: The performance of core, secondary, and solitary firms
G McNamara, DL Deephouse, RA Luce
Strategic Management Journal 24 (2), 161-181, 2003
The effects of institutional development and national culture on cross-national differences in corporate reputation
DL Deephouse, W Newburry, A Soleimani
Journal of World Business 51 (3), 463-473, 2016
Avoiding bad press: Interpersonal influence in relations between CEOs and journalists and the consequences for press reporting about firms and their leadership
JD Westphal, DL Deephouse
Organization Science 22 (4), 1061-1086, 2011
Linking social issues to organizational impact: The role of infomediaries and the infomediary process
DL Deephouse, PP Heugens
Journal of business ethics 86, 541-553, 2009
Part IV: How do reputations affect corporate performance?: The effect of financial and media reputations on performance
DL Deephouse
Corporate Reputation Review 1, 68-72, 1997
Ownership and performance of professional service firms
R Greenwood, DL Deephouse, SX Li
Organization Studies 28 (2), 219-238, 2007
Comparing alternative explanations for accounting risk-return relations
DL Deephouse, RM Wiseman
Journal of economic behavior & organization 42 (4), 463-482, 2000
‘Tough talk’and ‘soothing speech’: Managing reputations for being tough and for being good
SM Carter, DL Deephouse
Corporate Reputation Review 2, 308-332, 1999
Examining an individual’s legitimacy judgment using the value–attitude system: The role of environmental and economic values and source credibility
D Finch, D Deephouse, P Varella
Journal of Business Ethics 127, 265-281, 2015
The term ‘Reputation Management’: Users, uses and the trademark tradeoff corporate reputation: An eight-country analysis
D Deephouse
Corporate Reputation Review 5, 9-18, 2002
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مقالات 1–20