Richard J. Caron
Richard J. Caron
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Windsor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A degenerate extreme point strategy for the classification of linear constraints as redundant or necessary
RJ Caron, JF McDonald, CM Ponic
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 62 (2), 225-237, 1989
The zero set of a polynomial
R Caron, T Traynor
WSMR Report, 05-02, 2005
A mathematical programming approach to joint cell formation and operation allocation in cellular manufacturing
A Atmani, RS Lashkari, RJ Caron
The International Journal of Production Research 33 (1), 1-15, 1995
Shake-and-bake algorithms for generating uniform points on the boundary of bounded polyhedra
CGE Boender, RJ Caron, JF McDonald, AHGR Kan, HE Romeijn, ...
Operations research 39 (6), 945-954, 1991
Estimating the prediction function and the number of unseen species in sampling with replacement
S Boneh, A Boneh, RJ Caron
Journal of the American Statistical Association 93 (441), 372-379, 1998
Constraint classification in mathematical programming
A Boneh, S Boneh, RJ Caron
Mathematical Programming 61, 61-73, 1993
Analytic centers and repelling inequalities
RJ Caron, HJ Greenberg, AG Holder
European Journal of Operational Research 143 (2), 268-290, 2002
Convergence properties of hit–and–run samplers
C Bélisle, A Boneh, RJ Caron
Stochastic Models 14 (4), 767-800, 1998
RJ Caron, A Boneh, S Boneh
Advances in Sensitivity Analysis and Parametic Programming, 449-489, 1997
Generalized Motzkin theorems of the alternative and vector optimization problems
R Zeng, RJ Caron
Journal of optimization theory and applications 131, 281-299, 2006
Minimal representation of quadratically constrained convex feasible regions
WT Obuchowska, RJ Caron
Mathematical programming 68, 169-186, 1995
On the best case performance of hit and run methods for detecting necessary constraints
RJ Caron, M Hlynka, JF McDonald
Mathematical programming 54, 233-249, 1992
Finding a positive semidefinite interval for a parametric matrix
RJ Caron, NIM Gould
Linear Algebra and its Applications 76, 19-29, 1986
An algorithm to determine boundedness of quadratically constrained convex quadratic programmes
RJ Caron, WT Obuchowska
European Journal of Operational Research 80 (2), 431-438, 1995
Unboundedness of a convex quadratic function subject to concave and convex quadratic constraints
RJ Caron, W Obuchowska
European journal of operational research 63 (1), 114-123, 1992
A new approach to the analysis of random methods for detecting necessary linear inequality constraints
RJ Caron, JF McDonald
Mathematical programming 43, 97-102, 1989
Note on prime representations of convex polyhedral sets
A Boneh, RJ Caron, FW Lemire, JF McDonald, J Telgen, T Vorst
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 61 (1), 137-142, 1989
A parameterized Hessian quadratic programming problem
MJ Best, RJ Caron
Annals of Operations Research 5 (1), 373-394, 1986
Feasibility and constraint analysis of sets of linear matrix inequalities
RJ Caron, T Traynor, S Jibrin
INFORMS Journal on Computing 22 (1), 144-153, 2010
Probabilistic algorithms for extreme point identification
S Jibrin, A Boneh, RJ Caron
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 10 (1), 131-142, 2007
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مقالات 1–20