Aeriel Murphy-Leonard
Aeriel Murphy-Leonard
The Ohio State University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على umich.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Characterization of microstructure in additively manufactured 316L using automated serial sectioning
DJ Rowenhorst, L Nguyen, AD Murphy-Leonard, RW Fonda
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 24 (3), 100819, 2020
Prisms: An integrated, open-source framework for accelerating predictive structural materials science
LK Aagesen, JF Adams, JE Allison, WB Andrews, V Araullo-Peters, ...
JOM 70, 2298-2314, 2018
Quantification of cyclic twinning-detwinning behavior during low-cycle fatigue of pure magnesium using high energy X-ray diffraction
AD Murphy-Leonard, DC Pagan, A Beaudoin, MP Miller, JE Allison
International Journal of Fatigue 125, 314-323, 2019
Deformation twinning and detwinning in extruded Mg-4Al: In-situ experiment and crystal plasticity simulation
M Yaghoobi, Z Chen, AD Murphy-Leonard, V Sundararaghavan, S Daly, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 155, 103345, 2022
Investigation of porosity, texture, and deformation behavior using high energy X-rays during in-situ tensile loading in additively manufactured 316L stainless steel
AD Murphy-Leonard, DC Pagan, PG Callahan, ZK Heinkel, CE Jasien, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 810, 141034, 2021
The recrystallization behavior of unalloyed Mg and a Mg-Al alloy
AD Murphy, JE Allison
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 1492-1508, 2018
Uncovering dislocation-precipitate interactions during tensile loading of wire arc additive manufactured nickel-aluminum-bronze
A Murphy-Leonard, V Mazánová
MRS Communications 13 (6), 1031-1037, 2023
Effect of the solidification rate on microstructure of cast Mg alloys at low superheat
G Poole, N Rimkus, A Murphy, P Boehmcke, N El-Kaddah
Magnesium Technology 2012, 161-164, 2016
Lessons from Liberia: Building Global Partnerships Through Materials Science Outreach
AD Murphy-Leonard
JOM 72 (9), 3058-3060, 2020
The role of coherent nano precipitates on stacking fault and deformation twin formation during tensile deformation of wire arc additive manufactured nickel-aluminum-bronze
V Mazánová, M Heczko, J Miao, MJ Mills, A Murphy-Leonard
Materials Science and Engineering: A 918, 147426, 2024
Fatigue Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction
AD Murphy-Leonard, DC Pagan, A Beaudoin
Magnesium Technology 2021, 71, 2021
Understanding Twinning-Detwinning Behavior of Unalloyed Mg During Low-Cycle Fatigue Using High Energy X-ray Diffraction
AD Murphy-Leonard, DC Pagan, A Beaudoin, MP Miller, JE Allison
Magnesium Technology 2021, 71-72, 2021
The Recrystallization and Grain Growth Behavior of Magnesium
AD Murphy, JE Allison
Magnesium Technology 2018, 275-276, 2018
Mechanical Behavior of Cast Mg AZ 31-B Alloy Produced by Magnetic Suspension Melting Process
P Boehmcke, N El-Kaddah, A Murphy
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012
Nanotechnology For Drug Formulation: Improving Solubility of Insoluble Drugs
A Murphy, D Leung
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2012
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مقالات 1–15