Israel Klich
Israel Klich
Professor of Physics, University of Virginia
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على virginia.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Entanglement entropy of fermions in any dimension and the Widom conjecture
D Gioev, I Klich
Physical review letters 96 (10), 100503, 2006
Quantum noise as an entanglement meter
I Klich, L Levitov
Physical review letters 102 (10), 100502, 2009
Opposites attract: A theorem about the Casimir force
O Kenneth, I Klich
Physical review letters 97 (16), 160401, 2006
Bipartite Fluctuations as a Probe of Many-Body Entanglement
HF Song, S Rachel, C Flindt, I Klich, N Laflorencie, KL Hur
Physical Review B 85 (Arxiv preprint arXiv:1109.1001), 035409, 2012
Repulsive casimir forces
O Kenneth, I Klich, A Mann, M Revzen
Physical review letters 89 (3), 033001, 2002
Minimal excitation states of electrons in one-dimensional wires
J Keeling, I Klich, LS Levitov
Physical review letters 97 (11), 116403, 2006
Entanglement temperature and entanglement entropy of excited states
G Wong, I Klich, LAP Zayas, D Vaman
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (12), 1-24, 2013
Casimir forces in a T-operator approach
O Kenneth, I Klich
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (1), 014103, 2008
Entanglement entropy from charge statistics: Exact relations for noninteracting many-body systems
HF Song, C Flindt, S Rachel, I Klich, K Le Hur
Physical Review B 83 (16), 161408, 2011
Lower entropy bounds and particle number fluctuations in a Fermi sea
I Klich
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (4), L85, 2006
Mpemba index and anomalous relaxation
I Klich, O Raz, O Hirschberg, M Vucelja
Physical Review X 9 (2), 021060, 2019
Model Characterization of Gapless Edge Modes of Topological Insulators Using Intermediate Brillouin-Zone Functions
L Fidkowski, TS Jackson, I Klich
Physical Review Letters 107 (3), 36601, 2011
An elementary derivation of Levitov's formula
I Klich
Quantum noise in mesoscopic physics 97, 397, 2003
Measuring entanglement entropies in many-body systems
I Klich, G Refael, A Silva
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (3), 032306, 2006
A note on the full counting statistics of paired fermions
I Klich
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2014 (11), P11006, 2014
Fredholm determinants and the statistics of charge transport
JE Avron, S Bachmann, GM Graf, I Klich
Communications in Mathematical Physics 280 (3), 807-829, 2008
Deformed Fredkin spin chain with extensive entanglement
O Salberger, T Udagawa, Z Zhang, H Katsura, I Klich, V Korepin
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2017 (6), 063103, 2017
Casimir energy of a conducting sphere and of a dilute dielectric ball
I Klich
Physical Review D 61 (2), 025004, 1999
Novel quantum phase transition from bounded to extensive entanglement
Z Zhang, A Ahmadain, I Klich
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (20), 5142-5146, 2017
Entanglement asymmetry and quantum Mpemba effect in the XY spin chain
S Murciano, F Ares, I Klich, P Calabrese
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2024 (1), 013103, 2024
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مقالات 1–20