Hojat Karami
Hojat Karami
Associate professor of Civil Engineering, Semnan University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على semnan.ac.ir - الصفحة الرئيسية
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Flow Direction Algorithm (FDA): a Novel Optimizer Approach for Solving Optimization Problems
H Karami, MV Anaraki, S Farzin, S Mirjalili
Computers & Industrial Engineering, 107224, 2021
Prediction of water quality parameters using ANFIS optimized by intelligence algorithms (case study: Gorganrood River)
A Azad, H Karami, S Farzin, A Saeedian, H Kashi, F Sayyahi
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22 (7), 2206-2213, 2018
Uncertainty analysis of climate change impacts on flood frequency by using hybrid machine learning methods
MV Anaraki, S Farzin, SF Mousavi, H Karami
Water Resources Management 35, 199-223, 2021
Hybrid ANFIS–PSO approach for predicting optimum parameters of a protective spur dike
H Basser, H Karami, S Shamshirband, S Akib, M Amirmojahedi, R Ahmad, ...
Applied Soft Computing 30, 642-649, 2015
Comparative evaluation of intelligent algorithms to improve adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system performance in precipitation modelling
A Azad, M Manoochehri, H Kashi, S Farzin, H Karami, V Nourani, J Shiri
Journal of hydrology 571, 214-224, 2019
Reservoir operation based on evolutionary algorithms and multi-criteria decision-making under climate change and uncertainty
M Ehteram, SF Mousavi, H Karami, S Farzin, VP Singh, K Chau, ...
Journal of Hydroinformatics 20 (2), 332-355, 2018
Optimizing dam and reservoirs operation based model utilizing shark algorithm approach
M Ehteram, H Karami, SF Mousavi, A El-Shafie, Z Amini
Knowledge-Based Systems 122, 26-38, 2017
A hybrid bat–swarm algorithm for optimizing dam and reservoir operation
ZM Yaseen, MF Allawi, H Karami, M Ehteram, S Farzin, AN Ahmed, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 31, 8807-8821, 2019
Verification of numerical study of scour around spur dikes using experimental data
H Karami, H Basser, A Ardeshir, SH Hosseini
Water and environment journal 28 (1), 124-134, 2014
Groundwater level prediction in arid areas using wavelet analysis and Gaussian process regression
SS Band, E Heggy, SM Bateni, H Karami, M Rabiee, S Samadianfard, ...
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 15 (1), 1147-1158, 2021
Modeling river water quality parameters using modified adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
A Azad, H Karami, S Farzin, SF Mousavi, O Kisi
Water Science and Engineering 12 (1), 45-54, 2019
Predicting discharge coefficient of triangular labyrinth weir using extreme learning machine, artificial neural network and genetic programming
H Karami, S Karimi, H Bonakdari, S Shamshirband
Neural Computing and Applications 29, 983-989, 2018
An improved model based on the support vector machine and cuckoo algorithm for simulating reference evapotranspiration
M Ehteram, VP Singh, A Ferdowsi, SF Mousavi, S Farzin, H Karami, ...
PloS one 14 (5), e0217499, 2019
Integrated support vector regression and an improved particle swarm optimization-based model for solar radiation prediction
H Ghazvinian, SF Mousavi, H Karami, S Farzin, M Ehteram, MS Hossain, ...
PLoS One 14 (5), e0217634, 2019
Flood routing in river reaches using a three-parameter Muskingum model coupled with an improved bat algorithm
S Farzin, VP Singh, H Karami, N Farahani, M Ehteram, O Kisi, MF Allawi, ...
Water 10 (9), 1130, 2018
Reservoir operation by a new evolutionary algorithm: Kidney algorithm
M Ehteram, H Karami, SF Mousavi, S Farzin, AB Celeste, AE Shafie
Water resources management 32, 4681-4706, 2018
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of different shapes of collars on the reduction of scour around a single bridge pier
A Jahangirzadeh, H Basser, S Akib, H Karami, S Naji, S Shamshirband
PloS one 9 (6), e98592, 2014
Effect of zeolite and pumice powders on the environmental and physical characteristics of green concrete filters
A Azad, A Saeedian, SF Mousavi, H Karami, S Farzin, VP Singh
Construction and Building Materials 240, 117931, 2020
Flood forecasting using machine learning methods
FJ Chang, K Hsu, LC Chang
MDPI, 2019
Optimization of chain-reservoirs’ operation with a new approach in artificial intelligence
M Ehteram, MF Allawi, H Karami, SF Mousavi, M Emami, A El-Shafie, ...
Water Resources Management 31, 2085-2104, 2017
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20