Hans-Bernd Dürr
Hans-Bernd Dürr
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ist.uni-stuttgart.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Lie bracket approximation of extremum seeking systems
HB Dürr, MS Stanković, C Ebenbauer, KH Johansson
Automatica 49 (6), 1538-1552, 2013
Extremum seeking for dynamic maps using Lie brackets and singular perturbations
HB Dürr, M Krstić, A Scheinker, C Ebenbauer
Automatica 83, 91-99, 2017
Feedback design for multi-agent systems: A saddle point approach
FD Brunner, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 3783-3789, 2012
Saddle point seeking for convex optimization problems
HB Dürr, C Zeng, C Ebenbauer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (23), 540-545, 2013
Extremum seeking on submanifolds in the Euclidian space
HB Dürr, MS Stanković, KH Johansson, C Ebenbauer
Automatica 50 (10), 2591-2596, 2014
A smooth vector field for saddle point problems
HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and European control …, 2011
A smooth vector field for quadratic programming
HB Dörr, E Saka, C Ebenbauer
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2515-2520, 2012
Extremum seeking for time-varying functions using Lie bracket approximations
V Grushkovskaya, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer, A Zuyev
IFAC-PapersOnLine 50 (1), 5522-5528, 2017
Distributed positioning of autonomous mobile sensors with application to coverage control
HB Dürr, MS Stanković, KH Johansson
Proceedings of the 2011 American control conference, 4822-4827, 2011
Singularly perturbed lie bracket approximation
HB Dürr, M Krstić, A Scheinker, C Ebenbauer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (12), 3287-3292, 2015
Iterative learning and extremum seeking for repetitive time-varying mappings
Z Cao, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer, F Allgöwer, F Gao
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (7), 3339-3353, 2016
A Lie bracket approximation for extremum seeking vehicles
MS Stanković, HB Dürr, KH Johansson
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 11393-11398, 2011
Obstacle avoidance for an extremum seeking system using a navigation function
HB Dürr, MS Stanković, DV Dimarogonas, C Ebenbauer, KH Johansson
2013 American Control Conference, 4062-4067, 2013
On a class of smooth optimization algorithms with applications in control
HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (17), 291-298, 2012
Extremum seeking and obstacle avoidance on the special orthogonal group
JM Montenbruck, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer, F Allgöwer
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 8229-8234, 2014
Examples of distance-based synchronization: An extremum seeking approach
HB Dürr, MS Stanković, KH Johansson, C Ebenbauer
2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2013
Extremum seeking with drift
JM Montenbruck, HB Dürr, C Ebenbauer, F Allgöwer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (11), 126-130, 2015
Nash equilibrium seeking in multi-vehicle systems: A Lie bracket approximation-based approach
HB Durr, MS Stankovic, KH Johansson
Distributed positioning of autonomous mobile sensors with application to the coverage problem
HB Dürr
Master's thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden, 2010
Constrained extremum seeking: A Lie bracket and singular perturbation approach
HB Dürr
Universität Stuttgart, 2015
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مقالات 1–20