مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Kabelo Leonard Maucoمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 2
Critical analysis of e-health readiness assessment frameworks: suitability for application in developing countries
KL Mauco, RE Scott, M Mars
Journal of telemedicine and telecare 24 (2), 110-117, 2018
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Telemedicine in low resource settings: a case for Botswana
K Ndlovu, KL Mauco, R Littman-Quinn
Health Information Systems and the Advancement of Medical Practice in …, 2017
التفويضات: World Health Organization
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 4
Validation of an e-health readiness assessment framework for developing countries
KL Mauco, RE Scott, M Mars
BMC health services research 20, 1-10, 2020
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Development of an eHealth readiness assessment framework for Botswana and other developing countries: interview study
KL Mauco, RE Scott, M Mars
JMIR medical informatics 7 (3), e12949, 2019
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Development of a conceptual framework for e-health readiness assessment in the context of developing countries
KL Mauco, RE Scott, M Mars
Telehealth Innovations in Remote Healthcare Services Delivery, 68-77, 2021
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
e-Waste management as an indicator of e-health readiness an overview of the Botswana landscape
K Mauco, R Scott, M Mars, KL Mauco
Management/837: Health Informatics/838: Modelling and Simulation/839 Power …, 2016
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
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