Alice J. DeSimone
Alice J. DeSimone
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ua.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Mechanisms of H2O desorption from amorphous solid water by 157-nm irradiation: An experimental and theoretical study
AJ DeSimone, VD Crowell, CD Sherrill, TM Orlando
The Journal of chemical physics 139 (16), 2013
Investigating potential sources of Mercury's exospheric Calcium: Photon‐stimulated desorption of Calcium Sulfide
CJ Bennett, JL McLain, M Sarantos, RD Gann, A DeSimone, TM Orlando
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 121 (2), 137-146, 2016
Photodissociation of methyl iodide adsorbed on low-temperature amorphous ice surfaces
AJ DeSimone, BO Olanrewaju, GA Grieves, TM Orlando
The Journal of Chemical Physics 138 (8), 2013
H2O and O (3PJ) photodesorption from amorphous solid water deposited on a lunar mare basalt
AJ DeSimone, TM Orlando
Icarus 255, 44-50, 2015
Mechanisms and cross sections for water desorption from a lunar impact melt breccia
AJ DeSimone, TM Orlando
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (4), 884-893, 2014
Photodissociation of water and O(3PJ) formation on a lunar impact melt breccia
AJ DeSimone, TM Orlando
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (4), 894-904, 2014
O (3PJ) formation and desorption by 157-nm photoirradiation of amorphous solid water
AJ DeSimone, TM Orlando
The Journal of Chemical Physics 140 (9), 2014
Thermal desorption, photodesorption, and photodissociation of water on amorphous ice and lunar surfaces
AJ DeSimone
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013
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مقالات 1–8