Zoran Nakić
Zoran Nakić
University of Zagreb Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A visual basic spreadsheet macro for recession curve analysis
K Posavec, A Bačani, Z Nakić
Groundwater 44 (5), 764-767, 2006
A visual basic spreadsheet macro for geochemical background analysis
Z Nakić, K Posavec, A Bačani
Groundwater 45 (5), 642-647, 2007
Groundwater pollution and quality monitoring approaches at the European level
M Balderacchi, P Benoit, P Cambier, OM Eklo, A Gargini, A Gemitzi, ...
Critical reviews in environmental science and technology 43 (4), 323-408, 2013
Fully automated objective‐based method for master recession curve separation
K Posavec, J Parlov, Z Nakić
Groundwater 48 (4), 598-603, 2010
Conceptual model for groundwater status and risk assessment-case study of the Zagreb aquifer system
Z Nakić, S Ružičić, K Posavec, M Mileusnić, J Parlov, A Bačani, G Durn
Geologia Croatica 66 (1), 55-76, 2013
Using water stable isotopes for identifying groundwater recharge sources of the unconfined alluvial Zagreb aquifer (Croatia)
J Parlov, Z Kovač, Z Nakić, J Barešić
Water 11 (10), 2177, 2019
Presence of nitrates in groundwater: Sources and processes Prisutnost nitrata u podzemnim vodama: Izvori i procesi
V Filipović, D Petošić, Z Nakić
Hrvatske vode 21 (84), 119-128, 2013
Nitrate origin in the Zagreb aquifer system
Z Kovač, Z Nakić, J Barešić, J Parlov
Geofluids 2018 (1), 2789691, 2018
Definition of the river Gacka springs subcatchment areas on the basis of hydrogeological parameters
J Lukač Reberski, T Marković, Z Nakić
Geologia Croatica 66 (1), 39-53, 2013
Model-based objective methods for the estimation of groundwater geochemical background
Z Nakić, K Posavec, J Parlov
Aqua mundi 1 (1), 65-72, 2010
Influence of groundwater quality indicators on nitrate concentrations in the Zagreb aquifer system
Z Kovač, Z Nakić, K Pavlić
Geologia Croatica 70 (2), 93-103, 2017
Estimation of nitrate trends in the groundwater of the Zagreb aquifer
Z Kovač, Z Nakić, D Špoljarić, D Stanek, A Bačani
Geosciences 8 (5), 159, 2018
Definiranje trendova i ocjena stanja podzemnih voda na području panonskog dijela Hrvatske
Z Nakić, A Bačani, J Parlov, Ž Duić, D Perković, Z Kovač, D Tumara, ...
Graft versus host reaction in parabiotic disease
B Nakić, Z Nakić, V Silobrčić
Nature 186 (4721), 322-323, 1960
Program trajnog motrenja tala Hrvatske: projekt Izrada programa trajnog motrenja tala Hrvatske s pilot projektom: LIFE05 TCY/CRO/000105
H Mesić, A Čidić, S Dominiković Alavanja, I Kisić, F Bašić, M Mesić, ...
Agencija za zaštitu okoliša, 2008
Ambient background values of selected chemical substances in four groundwater bodies in the Pannonian region of Croatia
Z Nakić, Z Kovač, J Parlov, D Perković
Water 12 (10), 2671, 2020
Hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical characteristics of a wider area of the regional well field Eastern Slavonia–Sikirevci
J Kopić, J Loborec, Z Nakić
Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik 31 (3), 47-66, 2016
Water flow and solute transport model of potentially toxic elements through unsaturated zone at regional wellfield Kosnica
S Ružičić, M Mileusnić, K Posavec, Z Nakić, G Durn, V Filipović
Hydrological processes 30 (22), 4113-4124, 2016
Development of the conceptual model of the Zagreb aquifer system
Z Nakić, K Posavec, J Parlov, A Bačani
17th Meeting of the Association of European Geological Societies, 169-174, 2011
Long-term analysis of soil water regime and nitrate dynamics at agricultural experimental site: Field-scale monitoring and numerical modeling using HYDRUS-1D
V Krevh, L Filipović, D Petošić, I Mustać, I Bogunović, J Butorac, I Kisić, ...
Agricultural water management 275, 108039, 2023
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مقالات 1–20