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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Study on Pb-Bi-water direct contact boiling two-phase flow and heat transfer
M Takahashi, H Sofue, T Iguchi, Y Pramono, F Huang, M Matsumoto, ...
Progress in Nuclear Energy 47 (1-4), 569-576, 2005
Study of Natural Convection Passive Cooling System for Nuclear Reactors
S Abdillah, H., Saputra, G., Novitrian, Permana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 887 (1), 2017
Boiling heat transfer behavior of lead–bismuth–steam–water direct contact two-phase flow
Novitian, V Dostal, M Takahashi
Progress in Nuclear Energy 50 (2), 625-630, 2008
Perbandingan efektivitas metode simulasi javascript terhadap demonstrasi dan ceramah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa untuk materi pemuaian dan wujud zat
E Lailiyah, H Hernawati, N Novitrian, S Viridi
Jurnal Pengajaran Fisika Sekolah Menengah 1 (1), 9-13, 2009
Experimental and Analytical Study of Lead-Bismuth-Water Direct Contact Boiling Two-Phase Flow
Novitrian, V Dostal, M Takahashi
Journal of Power and Energy Systems 1 (1), 76-86, 2007
The performance of an electrical ionizer as a bipolar aerosol charger for charging ultrafine particles
C Saputra, AI Kamil, MM Munir, A Waris, Novitrian
Aerosol Science and Technology 56 (2), 117-133, 2022
Study on material attractiveness aspect of spent nuclear fuel of LWR and FBR cycles based on isotopic plutonium production
S Permana, M Suzuki, M Saito, Novitrian, A Waris, Z Suud
Energy Conversion and Management, 2013
Experiments on natural convection as cooling system mechanism on nuclear reactors
H Abdillah, A Novitrian
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1204 (1), 012111, 2019
Development of single fluid volume element method for simulation of transient fluid flow in self-siphons
S Viridi, Novitrian, Nurhayati, W Hidayat, FDE Latief, FP Zen
AIP Conference Proceedings 1615 (1), 199-207, 2014
Characterization of Gamma Knife Perfexion™ source based on Monte Carlo simulation
J Junios, I Irhas, N Novitrian, E Soediatmoko, F Haryanto, Z Su’ud, ...
Radiological Physics and Technology 13, 398-404, 2020
Konsep Gerak Rotasi Benda Tegar Menggunakan Analogi Konsep Gerak Translasi 1-D
SN Khotimah, S Viridi, N Novitrian
Jurnal Pengajaran Fisika Sekolah Menengah 1 (4), 96-99, 2011
Pengajaran Konduksi Termal Menggunakan Analogi Konduksi Listrik
N Kurniasih, N Novitrian, W Srigutomo
Jurnal Pengajaran Fisika Sekolah Menengah 1 (3), 82-85, 2010
Effect of void-fraction on characteristics of several thorium fuel cycles in BWR
A Waris, MA Shafii, S Pramuditya, R Kurniadi, Novitrian, Z Su’ud
Energy Conversion and Management 63, 11-16, 2012
Fluctuation Theorem Application on 2-D Granular Materials Configurations
S Viridi, S Nurul Khotimah, N Novitrian, W Widayani
Advanced Materials Research 1123, 12-15, 2015
Modeling and characterization of charged particle trajectories in an oscillating magnetic field
D Irawan, S Viridi, SN Khotimah, FDE Latief, N Novitrian
AIP Conference Proceedings 1656 (1), 2015
Plutonium and minor actinides utilization in Thorium molten salt reactor
A Waris, IK Aji, Novitrian, R Kurniadi, Z Su’ud
AIP Conference Proceedings 1448, 115, 2012
Preliminary study on direct recycling of spent PWR fuel in PWR system
A Waris, Novitrian, R Kurniadi, Z Su’ud
AIP Conference Proceedings 1448, 135, 2012
Self-Siphon Simulation Using Molecular Dynamics Method
S Viridi, SN Khotimah, Novitrian, F Masterika
arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.1847, 2011
Diagnostik Miskonsepsi Siswa di Lingkungan Sekolah Menengah Atas di Bandung untuk Topik Hukum Newton tentang Gerak
F Fitria, N Novitrian
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Quantum, 2018
Simulation of fluid flow in a U-shape self-siphon and its working space
Nurhayati, W Hidayat, Novitrian, S Viridi, FP Zen
AIP Conference Proceedings 1589 (1), 95-98, 2014
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مقالات 1–20