Putu Teta Prihartini Aryanti
Putu Teta Prihartini Aryanti
Chemical Engineering, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
Потвърден имейл адрес: lecture.unjani.ac.id
LTA zeolite membranes: current progress and challenges in pervaporation
IG Wenten, PT Dharmawijaya, PTP Aryanti, RR Mukti
RSC advances 7 (47), 29520-29539, 2017
Recent progress and challenges in membrane-based O2/N2 separation
NF Himma, AK Wardani, N Prasetya, PTP Aryanti, IG Wenten
Reviews in Chemical Engineering 35 (5), 591-625, 2019
Modified membrane with antibacterial properties
PTP Aryanti1a, M Sianipar2b, M Zunita3c, IG Wenten
Performance and characterization of PEG400 modified PVC ultrafiltration membrane
REDPIGW P.T.P. Aryanti, R. Yustiana
Membrane Water Treatment 6 (5), 379-392, 2015
Advances in Polysulfone-based Membrane for Hemodialysis
IG Wenten, PTP Aryanti, K Supadi, AN Hakim, NF Himma
Journal of Membrane Science and Research (http://www.msrjournal.com …, 2015
Teknologi Membran dalam Pengolahan Limbah
IG Wenten, PTP Aryanti, AN Hakim
Teknik Kimia Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2014
Preparation of antifouling polypropylene/ZnO composite hollow fiber membrane by dip-coating method for peat water treatment
IG Wenten, K Khoiruddin, AK Wardani, PTP Aryanti, DI Astuti, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 34, 101158, 2020
Scale-up strategies for membrane-based desalination processes: A review
IG Wenten, K Supadi, PTP Aryanti, AN Hakim
Journal of Membrane Science and Research, 2015
The effect of polymer concentration on flux stability of polysulfone membrane
D Ariono, PTP Aryanti, S Subagjo, IG Wenten
AIP Conference Proceedings 1788 (1), 2017
The influence of PEG400 and acetone on polysulfone membrane morphology and fouling behaviour
PTP Aryanti, SR Joscarita, AK Wardani, S Subagjo, D Ariono, IG Wenten
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 48 (2), 135-149, 2016
High-performance ultrafiltration membrane: recent progress and its application for wastewater treatment
UWR Siagian, K Khoiruddin, AK Wardani, PTP Aryanti, IN Widiasa, G Qiu, ...
Current Pollution Reports, 1-15, 2021
Fouling and Rejection Characteristic of Humic Substances in Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membrane
PTP Aryanti, S Subagjo, D Ariono, IG Wenten
Journal of Membrane Science and Research 1 (1), 41-45, 2015
A novel pico-hydro power (PHP)-Microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) coupled system for sustainable hydrogen production during palm oil mill effluent (POME) wastewater treatment
A Kadier, R Singh, D Song, F Ghanbari, NS Zaidi, PTP Aryanti, DA Jadhav, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (55), 21066-21087, 2023
Pengantar teknologi membran
IG Wenten, K Khoiruddin, PTP Aryanti, AN Hakim
Teknik Kimia Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2010
Influence of Additives on Polysulfone-Based Ultrafiltration Membrane Performance during Peat Water Filtration
PTP Aryanti, Khoiruddin, IG Wenten
Journal of Water Sustainability 3 (2), 85-96, 2013
Flory-Huggins based model to determine thermodynamic property of polymeric membrane solution
PTP Aryanti, D Ariono, AN Hakim, IG Wenten
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1090 (1), 012074, 2018
Membrane-based zero-sludge palm oil mill plant
IG Wenten, K Khoiruddin, PTP Aryanti, AV Victoria, G Tanukusuma
Reviews in Chemical Engineering 36 (2), 237-263, 2020
Hydrophilic modification of polymeric membrane using graft polymerization method: a mini review
JA Pinem, AK Wardani, PTP Aryanti, K Khoiruddin, IG Wenten
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 547 (1), 012054, 2019
Semi-industrial high-temperature ceramic membrane clarification during starch hydrolysis
PTP Aryanti, E Subroto, D Mangindaan, IN Widiasa, IG Wenten
Journal of Food Engineering 274, 109844, 2020
Fouling mechanism in ultrafiltration of vegetable oil
D Ariono, AK Wardani, S Widodo, PTP Aryanti, IG Wenten
Materials Research Express 5 (3), 034009, 2018
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