John A. Payne
John A. Payne
Professor Emeritus of Physiology and Membrane Biology, University of California, Davis
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The K+/Cl co-transporter KCC2 renders GABA hyperpolarizing during neuronal maturation
C Rivera, J Voipio, JA Payne, E Ruusuvuori, H Lahtinen, K Lamsa, ...
Nature 397 (6716), 251-255, 1999
Cation–chloride co-transporters in neuronal communication, development and trauma
JA Payne, C Rivera, J Voipio, K Kaila
Trends in neurosciences 26 (4), 199-206, 2003
Cation-chloride cotransporters in neuronal development, plasticity and disease
K Kaila, TJ Price, JA Payne, M Puskarjov, J Voipio
Nature reviews neuroscience 15 (10), 637-654, 2014
Molecular characterization of a putative K-Cl cotransporter in rat brain: a neuronal-specific isoform
JA Payne, TJ Stevenson, LF Donaldson
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (27), 16245-16252, 1996
Mechanism of activity-dependent downregulation of the neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter KCC2
C Rivera, J Voipio, J Thomas-Crusells, H Li, Z Emri, S Sipilä, JA Payne, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (19), 4683-4691, 2004
Molecular cloning and functional expression of the bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-Cl cotransporter.
JC Xu, C Lytle, TT Zhu, JA Payne, E Benz Jr, B Forbush 3rd
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (6), 2201-2205, 1994
Functional characterization of the neuronal-specific K-Cl cotransporter: implications for [K+]oregulation
JA Payne
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 273 (5), C1516-C1525, 1997
Molecular cloning and functional expression of the K-Cl cotransporter from rabbit, rat, and human: a new member of the cation-chloride cotransporter family
CM Gillen, S Brill, JA Payne, B Forbush III
Journal of Biological Chemistry 271 (27), 16237-16244, 1996
Alternatively spliced isoforms of the putative renal Na-K-Cl cotransporter are differentially distributed within the rabbit kidney.
JA Payne, B Forbush 3rd
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (10), 4544-4548, 1994
Direct protein kinase C-dependent phosphorylation regulates the cell surface stability and activity of the potassium chloride cotransporter KCC2
HHC Lee, JA Walker, JR Williams, RJ Goodier, JA Payne, SJ Moss
Journal of Biological Chemistry 282 (41), 29777-29784, 2007
Primary structure, functional expression, and chromosomal localization of the bumetanide-sensitive Na-K-Cl cotransporter in human colon
JA Payne, JC Xu, M Haas, CY Lytle, D Ward, B Forbush
Journal of Biological Chemistry 270 (30), 17977-17985, 1995
The KCl cotransporter, KCC2, is highly expressed in the vicinity of excitatory synapses in the rat hippocampus
AI Gulyas, A Sik, JA Payne, K Kaila, TF Freund
European Journal of Neuroscience 13 (12), 2205-2217, 2001
The neuron-specific K-Cl cotransporter, KCC2: antibody development and initial characterization of the protein
JR Williams, JW Sharp, VG Kumari, M Wilson, JA Payne
Journal of Biological Chemistry 274 (18), 12656-12664, 1999
Cloning, embryonic expression, and alternative splicing of a murine kidney-specific Na-K-Cl cotransporter
P Igarashi, GB Vanden Heuvel, JA Payne, B Forbush 3rd
American Journal of Physiology-Renal Physiology 269 (3), F405-F418, 1995
Evidence that different cation chloride cotransporters in retinal neurons allow opposite responses to GABA
N Vardi, LL Zhang, JA Payne, P Sterling
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (20), 7657-7663, 2000
Molecular characterization of the epithelial Na K Cl cotransporter isoforms
JA Payne, B Forbush III
Current opinion in cell biology 7 (4), 493-503, 1995
Localization and developmental expression patterns of the neuronal K–Cl cotransporter (KCC2) in the rat retina
TQ Vu, JA Payne, DR Copenhagen
Journal of Neuroscience 20 (4), 1414-1423, 2000
Comparison of Na-K-Cl cotransporters: NKCC1, NKCC2, and the HEK cell Na-K-Cl cotransporter
P Isenring, SC Jacoby, JA Payne, B Forbush III
Journal of Biological Chemistry 273 (18), 11295-11301, 1998
Inflammation alters cation chloride cotransporter expression in sensory neurons
BM Morales-Aza, NL Chillingworth, JA Payne, LF Donaldson
Neurobiology of disease 17 (1), 62-69, 2004
Differential distribution of the KCl cotransporter KCC2 in thalamic relay and reticular nuclei
P Barthó, JA Payne, TF Freund, L Acsády
European Journal of Neuroscience 20 (4), 965-975, 2004
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