Melinda Webber
Melinda Webber
Professor in Education, Waipapa Taumata Rau/University of Auckland
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Teacher expectations, ethnicity and the achievement gap
H Turner, CM Rubie-Davies, M Webber
New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 50, 55-69, 2015
Walking the space between: Identity and Māori/Pākehā
M Webber
nzcer Press, 2008
Identity matters: Racial-ethnic identity and Maori students
M Webber
Set: Research information for teachers, 20, 2012
Ka Awatea: An iwi case study of Māori students' success
AH Macfarlane, M Webber, C Cookson-Cox, H McRae
Te Rū Rangahau, Māori Research laboratory, College of Education, University …, 2014
Adolescent Time Attitude Scale (ATAS) scores and academic outcomes in secondary school females in New Zealand
M Alansari, FC Worrell, C Rubie-Davies, M Webber
International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education 1 (3), 251-274, 2013
The importance of race and ethnicity: An exploration of New Zealand Pākehā, Māori, Samoan and Chinese adolescent identity
M Webber, E McKinley, J Hattie
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 42 (2), 17-28, 2013
The multiple selves and realities of a Māori researcher
M Webber
Mai Review 1 (8), 1-8, 2009
Indigenous urban school leadership: A critical cross-cultural comparative analysis of educational leaders in New Zealand and the United States
L Santamaría, A Santamaría, M Webber, H Pearson
Comparative and International Education 43 (1), 2014
Sociocultural realities: Exploring new horizons
AH Macfarlane, S Macfarlane, M Webber
Canterbury University Press, 2015
Mana tangata: The five optimal cultural conditions for Māori student success
M Webber, A Macfarlane
Journal of American Indian Education 59 (1), 26-49, 2020
The transformative role of iwi knowledge and genealogy in Māori student success
M Webber, A Macfarlane
Handbook of Indigenous education, 1-25, 2018
Ka Pū Te Ruha, Ka Hao Te Rangatahi: Maori identities in the twenty-first century
T Kukutai, M Webber
Auckland University Press, 2017
Making it personal: Academic counseling with Māori students and their families
M Webber, E McKinley, CM Rubie-Davies
Contemporary Educational Psychology 47, 51-60, 2016
The people’s report: The people’s inquiry into addressing child abuse and domestic violence
D Wilson, M Webber
The Glenn Inquiry, 2014
Look to the past, stand tall in the present: The integral nature of positive racial-ethnic identity for the academic success of Māori students
M Webber
Giftedness from an indigenous perspective, 100-110, 2011
The Ruamano project: Raising expectations, realising community aspirations and recognising gifted potential in Māori boys
M Webber, T Riley, K Sylva, E Scobie-Jennings
The Australian journal of indigenous education 49 (1), 77-88, 2020
Stereotypes of minorities and education
JM Allen, M Webber
The Palgrave handbook of ethnicity, 1-21, 2019
Identity matters: Racial-ethnic representations among adolescents attending multi-ethnic high schools
M Webber
University of Auckland, 2011
Real engagement in active problem solving for Māori boys: A case study in a New Zealand secondary school
T Riley, M Webber, K Sylva
Gifted and Talented International 32 (2), 75-86, 2017
Gifted and proud: On being exceptional and Mäori
M Webber
Ka tangi te tïtï: Permission to speak: Successful schooling for Mäori …, 2011
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