Jeongnim Kim
Comparison of two methods for describing the strain profiles in quantum dots
C Pryor, J Kim, LW Wang, AJ Williamson, A Zunger
Journal of Applied Physics 83 (5), 2548-2554, 1998
Electronic structures of [110]-faceted self-assembled pyramidal InAs/GaAs quantum dots
LW Wang, J Kim, A Zunger
Physical Review B 59 (8), 5678, 1999
QMCPACK: an open source ab initio quantum Monte Carlo package for the electronic structure of atoms, molecules and solids
J Kim, AD Baczewski, TD Beaudet, A Benali, MC Bennett, MA Berrill, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30 (19), 195901, 2018
Total-energy global optimizations using nonorthogonal localized orbitals
J Kim, F Mauri, G Galli
Physical Review B 52 (3), 1640, 1995
Cohesion energetics of carbon allotropes: Quantum Monte Carlo study
H Shin, S Kang, J Koo, H Lee, J Kim, Y Kwon
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (11), 2014
Highly optimized empirical potential model ofsilicon
TJ Lenosky, B Sadigh, E Alonso, VV Bulatov, TD de la Rubia, J Kim, ...
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 8 (6), 825, 2000
Multideterminant wave functions in quantum Monte Carlo
MA Morales, J McMinis, BK Clark, J Kim, GE Scuseria
Journal of chemical theory and computation 8 (7), 2181-2188, 2012
Binding and diffusion of lithium in graphite: quantum monte carlo benchmarks and validation of van der Waals density functional methods
P Ganesh, J Kim, C Park, M Yoon, FA Reboredo, PRC Kent
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 10 (12), 5318-5323, 2014
Extended Si| P [311| P] defects
J Kim, JW Wilkins, FS Khan, A Canning
Physical Review B 55 (24), 16186, 1997
Stability of si-interstitial defects: From point to extended defects
J Kim, F Kirchhoff, JW Wilkins, FS Khan
Physical Review Letters 84 (3), 503, 2000
Hybrid algorithms in quantum Monte Carlo
J Kim, KP Esler, J McMinis, MA Morales, BK Clark, L Shulenburger, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 402 (1), 012008, 2012
Computing the energy of a water molecule using multideterminants: A simple, efficient algorithm
BK Clark, MA Morales, J McMinis, J Kim, GE Scuseria
The Journal of chemical physics 135 (24), 2011
Momentum distribution and renormalization factor in sodium and the electron gas
S Huotari, JA Soininen, T Pylkkänen, K Hämäläinen, A Issolah, A Titov, ...
Physical review letters 105 (8), 086403, 2010
Complexity of small silicon self-interstitial defects
DA Richie, J Kim, SA Barr, KRA Hazzard, R Hennig, JW Wilkins
Physical review letters 92 (4), 045501, 2004
Accelerating quantum Monte Carlo simulations of real materials on GPU clusters
K Esler, J Kim, D Ceperley, L Shulenburger
Computing in Science & Engineering 14 (1), 40-51, 2010
Many-body levels of optically excited and multiply charged InAs nanocrystals modeled by semiempirical tight binding
S Lee, J Kim, L Jönsson, JW Wilkins, GW Bryant, G Klimeck
Physical Review B 66 (23), 235307, 2002
Thermally activated reorientation of di-interstitial defects in silicon
J Kim, F Kirchhoff, WG Aulbur, JW Wilkins, FS Khan, G Kresse
Physical review letters 83 (10), 1990, 1999
Application of diffusion Monte Carlo to materials dominated by van der Waals interactions
A Benali, L Shulenburger, NA Romero, J Kim, OA von Lilienfeld
Journal of chemical theory and computation 10 (8), 3417-3422, 2014
Structural stability and defect energetics of ZnO from diffusion quantum Monte Carlo
JA Santana, JT Krogel, J Kim, PRC Kent, FA Reboredo
The Journal of chemical physics 142 (16), 2015
Carbon superatom thin films
A Canning, G Galli, J Kim
Physical review letters 78 (23), 4442, 1997
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