Erik Smolders
Erik Smolders
Gewoon Hoogleraar KU Leuven
Потвърден имейл адрес: kuleuven.be
Plant uptake of radiocaesium: a review of mechanisms, regulation and application
YG Zhu, E Smolders
Journal of experimental botany 51 (351), 1635-1645, 2000
Inputs of trace elements in agricultural soils via phosphate fertilizers in European countries
G Nziguheba, E Smolders
Science of the total environment 390 (1), 53-57, 2008
Partitioning of metals (Cd, Co, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn) in soils: concepts, methodologies, prediction and applications–a review
F Degryse, E Smolders, DR Parker
European Journal of Soil Science 60 (4), 590-612, 2009
Toxicity of trace metals in soil as affected by soil type and aging after contamination: using calibrated bioavailability models to set ecological soil standards
E Smolders, K Oorts, P Van Sprang, I Schoeters, CR Janssen, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28 (8), 1633-1642, 2009
Sustainability of artisanal mining of cobalt in DR Congo
C Banza Lubaba Nkulu, L Casas, V Haufroid, T De Putter, ND Saenen, ...
Nature sustainability 1 (9), 495-504, 2018
Nitrogen availability influences phosphorus removal in microalgae-based wastewater treatment
A Beuckels, E Smolders, K Muylaert
Water research 77, 98-106, 2015
High human exposure to cobalt and other metals in Katanga, a mining area of the Democratic Republic of Congo
CLN Banza, TS Nawrot, V Haufroid, S Decrée, T De Putter, E Smolders, ...
Environmental research 109 (6), 745-752, 2009
Acute toxicity and prothrombotic effects of quantum dots: impact of surface charge
J Geys, A Nemmar, E Verbeken, E Smolders, M Ratoi, MF Hoylaerts, ...
Environmental health perspectives 116 (12), 1607-1613, 2008
The red mud accident in Ajka (Hungary): plant toxicity and trace metal bioavailability in red mud contaminated soil
S Ruyters, J Mertens, E Vassilieva, B Dehandschutter, A Poffijn, ...
Environmental science & technology 45 (4), 1616-1622, 2011
Fate and effect of zinc from tire debris in soil
E Smolders, F Degryse
Environmental science & technology 36 (17), 3706-3710, 2002
Biodegradation: updating the concepts of control for microbial cleanup in contaminated aquifers
RU Meckenstock, M Elsner, C Griebler, T Lueders, C Stumpp, J Aamand, ...
Environmental science & technology 49 (12), 7073-7081, 2015
Metal complexation properties of freshwater dissolved organic matter are explained by its aromaticity and by anthropogenic ligands
S Baken, F Degryse, L Verheyen, R Merckx, E Smolders
Environmental science & technology 45 (7), 2584-2590, 2011
Concentrations of 137Cs and K in Soil Solution Predict the Plant Availability of 137Cs in Soils
E Smolders, K Van den Brande, R Merckx
Environmental science & technology 31 (12), 3432-3438, 1997
Soil properties and agronomic factors affecting cadmium concentrations in cacao beans: A nationwide survey in Ecuador
D Argüello, E Chavez, F Lauryssen, R Vanderschueren, E Smolders, ...
Science of the total environment 649, 120-127, 2019
Predicting availability of mineral elements to plants with the DGT technique: a review of experimental data and interpretation by modelling
F Degryse, E Smolders, H Zhang, W Davison
Environmental Chemistry 6 (3), 198-218, 2009
Chloride increases cadmium uptake in Swiss chard in a resin‐buffered nutrient solution
E Smolders, MJ McLaughlin
Soil Science Society of America Journal 60 (5), 1443-1447, 1996
Soil properties affecting toxicity of zinc to soil microbial properties in laboratory‐spiked and field‐contaminated soils
E Smolders, J Buekers, I Oliver, MJ McLaughlin
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 23 (11), 2633-2640, 2004
Terrestrial biotic ligand model. 2. Application to Ni and Cu toxicities to plants, invertebrates, and microbes in soil
S Thakali, HE Allen, DM Di Toro, AA Ponizovsky, CP Rooney, FJ Zhao, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 40 (22), 7094-7100, 2006
Phosphate-exchanged Mg–Al layered double hydroxides: a new slow release phosphate fertilizer
M Everaert, R Warrinnier, S Baken, JP Gustafsson, D De Vos, E Smolders
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 4 (8), 4280-4287, 2016
Predicting the transfer of radiocaesium from organic soils to plants using soil characteristics
JP Absalom, SD Young, NMJ Crout, A Sanchez, SM Wright, E Smolders, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 52 (1), 31-43, 2001
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