Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si.
Prof. Dr. Edi Istiyono, M.Si.
Profesor Pengukuran, Penilaian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan Sains, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Потвърден имейл адрес: uny.ac.id - Начална страница
Pengembangan tes kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi fisika (pysthots) peserta didik SMA
E Istiyono, D Mardapi, S Suparno
Jurnal penelitian dan evaluasi pendidikan 18 (1), 1-12, 2014
Effective Teachers' Personality in Strengthening Character Education.
E Istiyono, B Kartowagiran, H Retnawati, H Cahyo Adi Kistoro, H Putranta
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 10 (2), 512-521, 2021
Studi pelaksanaan pembelajaran fisika berbasis higher order thinking (HOTS) pada kelas X di SMA Negeri Kota Yogyakarta
NS Pratama, E Istiyono
Seminar Nasional Fisika Dan Pendidikan Fisika Ke-4 2015, 2015
Pengembangan instrumen penilaian dan analisis hasil belajar fisika dengan teori tes klasik dan modern
E Istiyono
Yogyakarta: UNY Press. L, I.(2019). Evaluasi Dalam Proses Pembelajaran …, 2020
Developing of Computerized Adaptive Testing to Measure Physics Higher Order Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students and Its Feasibility of Use.
E Istiyono, WSB Dwandaru, R Setiawan, I Megawati
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (1), 91-101, 2020
Online interactive multimedia oriented to HOTS through e-learning on physics material about electrical circuit
SW Widyaningsih, I Yusuf, ZK Prasetyo, E Istiyono
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia) 9 (1), 1-14, 2020
Construction of the Character Assessment Instrument for 21st Century Students in High Schools
AS Wiwin Mistiani, Edi Istiyono
European Journal of Educational Research 11 (2), 885-898, 2022
Effect of job satisfaction on service quality mediated by lecturer performance at state universities
MA AM, S Helmi, GK Kassymova, H Retnawati, S Hadi, E Istiyono
Materials of International Practical Internet Conference “Challenges of …, 2022
The Development of the HOTS Test of Physics Based on Modern Test Theory: Question Modeling through E-Learning of Moodle LMS.
SW Widyaningsih, I Yusuf, ZK Prasetyo, E Istiyono
International Journal of Instruction 14 (4), 51-68, 2021
Identification of misconceptions on heat and temperature among physics education students using four-tier diagnostic test
K Fenditasari, E Istiyono
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1470 (1), 012055, 2020
Developing" Pancasila Student Profile" instrument for self-assessment
YO Siba Sabon, E Istiyono, W Widihastuti
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 26 (1), 37-46, 2022
Developing lup instrument test to measure higher order thinking skills (HOTS) Bloomian for senior high school students
L Erfianti, E Istiyono, H Kuswanto
International Journal of Educational Research Review 4 (3), 320-329, 2019
The Development of Performance Assessment of STEM-Based Critical Thinking Skill in the High School Physics Lessons.
FS Putri, E Istiyono
International Journal of Environmental And Science Education 12 (5), 1269-1281, 2017
Instrumen penilaian kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik SMA negeri mata pelajaran Biologi Kelas X
M Taufiq Satria, I Edi
BIOEDUKASI: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi 11 (2), 105-110, 2018
The Effectiveness of Learning to Improve Students' Higher-Order Thinking Skills.
MRS Shanti, E Istiyono, S Munadi
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 17 (5), 1576-1587, 2022
Measurement of physics problem-solving skills in female and male students by phystepross
E Istiyono, SS Mustakim, W Widihastuti, S Suranto, TS Mukti
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 8 (2), 170-176, 2019
The analysis of senior high school students’ physics HOTS in Bantul District measured using PhysReMChoTHOTS
E Istiyono
AIP Conference Proceedings 1868 (1), 2017
Developing IRT-Based Physics Critical Thinking Skill Test: A CAT to Answer 21st Century Challenge.
E Istiyono, WSB Dwandaru, YA Lede, F Rahayu, A Nadapdap
International Journal of instruction 12 (4), 267-280, 2019
Exploration of creative thinking skills of students in physics learning
M Asriadi, E Istiyono
Journal of Educational Science and Technology 6 (2), 151-158, 2020
A Computerized Adaptive Test for Measuring the Physics Critical Thinking Skills.
AZ Abidin, E Istiyono, N Fadilah, WSB Dwandaru
International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education 8 (3), 376-383, 2019
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