Noah J. Durst
Noah J. Durst
Потвърден имейл адрес: msu.edu
Informal housing in the United States
NJ Durst, J Wegmann
International journal of urban and regional research 41 (2), 282-297, 2017
Municipal annexation and the selective underbounding of colonias in Texas' Lower Rio Grande Valley
NJ Durst
Environment and Planning A 46 (7), 1699-1715, 2014
Autonomous vs. self-driving vehicles: the power of language to shape public perceptions
E Kassens-Noor, M Wilson, M Cai, N Durst, T Decaminada
Journal of Urban Technology 28 (3-4), 5-24, 2021
The nature and extent of self-help housing in Texas: From colonias to model subdivisions
NJ Durst
Journal of Planning Education and Research 36 (2), 145-157, 2016
The contribution of manufactured housing to affordable housing in the United States: Assessing variation among manufactured housing tenures and community types
NJ Durst, E Sullivan
Housing Policy Debate 29 (6), 880-898, 2019
Measuring self-help home improvements in Texas colonias: A ten year ‘snapshot’ study
NJ Durst, PM Ward
Urban Studies 51 (10), 2143-2159, 2014
Seasonal contamination of well-water in flood-prone colonias and other unincorporated US communities
LS Rowles III, AI Hossain, I Ramirez, NJ Durst, PM Ward, MJ Kirisits, ...
Science of the Total Environment 740, 140111, 2020
Colonia housing conditions in model subdivisions: A déjà vu for policy makers
NJ Durst, PM Ward
Housing Policy Debate 26 (2), 316-333, 2016
Informal and ubiquitous: Colonias, premature subdivisions and other unplanned suburbs on America’s urban fringe
NJ Durst
Urban Studies 56 (4), 722-740, 2019
Racial gerrymandering of municipal borders: Direct democracy, participatory democracy, and voting rights in the United States
NJ Durst
Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108 (4), 938-954, 2018
Second-Generation Policy Priorities for Colonias and Informal Settlements in Texas
NJ Durst
Housing Policy Debate 25 (2), 395-417, 2015
Using Emerging Hot Spot Analysis to explore spatiotemporal patterns of housing vacancy in Ohio metropolitan statistical areas
V Morckel, N Durst
Urban Affairs Review 59 (1), 309-328, 2023
Lot vacancy and property abandonment: colonias and informal subdivisions in Texas
NJ Durst, PM Ward
International Journal of Housing Policy 15 (4), 377-399, 2015
The rise of renters and renting in Texas colonias
NJ Durst
Habitat International 43, 72-78, 2014
Landlords and tenants in informal ‘Colonia’settlements in Texas
NJ Durst
Housing Studies 29 (2), 198-214, 2014
Planning for active aging: Exploring housing preferences of elderly populations in the United States
W Wang, NJ Durst
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 38 (2), 795-809, 2023
Land-use regulation and the spatial mismatch between housing and employment opportunities
NJ Durst
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Urban Design and Planning …, 2021
The Role of the Campus Outdoor Environment on University Student Mental Health
M Koning, JH Kim, F Saeidi-Rizi, N Durst
Journal of People, Plants and Environment 25 (3), 263-272, 2022
The annexation threat: Local government boundary changes, race, and the formation of new cities
NJ Durst, W Wang, W Li
Urban Geography 43 (3), 364-386, 2022
Race and municipal annexation after the Voting Rights Act
NJ Durst
Journal of the American Planning Association 85 (1), 49-59, 2019
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