Zhifei Tan
Zhifei Tan
Потвърден имейл адрес: connect.polyu.hk
Value-added application of waste PET based additives in bituminous mixtures containing high percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP)
Z Leng, A Sreeram, RK Padhan, Z Tan
Journal of cleaner Production 196, 615-625, 2018
Workability and mechanical property characterization of asphalt rubber mixtures modified with various warm mix asphalt additives
H Yu, Z Leng, Z Dong, Z Tan, F Guo, J Yan
Construction and Building Materials 175, 392-401, 2018
Optimizing the mixing procedure of warm asphalt rubber with wax-based additives through mechanism investigation and performance characterization
Z Leng, H Yu, Z Zhang, Z Tan
Construction and Building Materials 144, 291-299, 2017
Improvement of storage stability of SBS-modified asphalt with nanoclay using a new mixing method
Z Leng, Z Tan, H Yu, J Guo
Road Materials and Pavement Design 20 (7), 1601-1614, 2019
Enhancing sustainability in pavement Engineering: A-state-of-the-art review of cement asphalt emulsion mixtures
D Lu, X Jiang, Z Tan, B Yin, Z Leng, J Zhong
Cleaner Materials 9, 100204, 2023
Performance verification of various bulk density measurement methods for open-and gap-graded asphalt mixtures using X-ray computed tomography
Y Zhang, Z Leng, Z Dong, Z Liu, Z Zhang, Z Tan
Construction and Building Materials 158, 855-863, 2018
Penetration mechanism of the emulsion-based rejuvenator in damaged porous asphalt mixture: Microstructure characterization and 3D reconstruction
J Jiang, Z Leng, B Yang, G Lu, Z Tan, M Han, Z Dong
Materials & design 221, 111014, 2022
Fundamental investigation of the interaction mechanism between new and aged binders in binder blends
A Sreeram, Z Leng, R Hajj, WLG Ferreira, Z Tan, A Bhasin
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 23 (5), 1317-1327, 2022
Numerical study of the aggregate contact effect on the complex modulus of asphalt concrete
Z Tan, Z Leng, J Jiang, P Cao, D Jelagin, G Li, A Sreeram
Materials & Design 213, 110342, 2022
An efficient model for predicting the dynamic performance of fine aggregate matrix
Z Leng, Z Tan, P Cao, Y Zhang
Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 36 (11), 1467-1479, 2021
A novel visco-elastic damage model for asphalt concrete and its numerical implementation
P Cao, Z Leng, F Shi, C Zhou, Z Tan, Z Wang
Construction and Building Materials 264, 120261, 2020
Multiscale characterization and modeling of aggregate contact effects on asphalt concrete’s tension–compression asymmetry
Z Tan, B Yang, Z Leng, D Jelagin, P Cao, R Li, F Zou
Materials & Design 232, 112092, 2023
A novel foaming additive derived from waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) for low-carbon warm mix asphalt
F Zou, X Xu, R Chen, J Lan, G Li, Z Tan, J Xu, X Jiang, Z Leng
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 202, 107377, 2024
Mechanistic modeling of fatigue crack growth in asphalt fine aggregate matrix under torsional shear cyclic load
H Li, Z Tan, R Li, X Luo, Y Zhang, Z Leng
International Journal of Fatigue 178, 107999, 2024
A novel strategy for generating mesoscale asphalt concrete model with controllable aggregate morphology and packing structure
Z Tan, F Guo, Z Leng, Z Yang, P Cao
Computers & Structures 296, 107315, 2024
Virtual-specimen modeling of aggregate contact effects on asphalt concrete
Z Tan, D Jelagin, H Fadil, Z Leng, R Li, J Jiang, P Cao
Construction and Building Materials 400, 132638, 2023
Exploring the Iosipescu method to investigate interlaminar shear fatigue behavior and failure mechanisms of carbon fiber reinforced composites
Z Lei, G Luo, W Sun, Y Dong, Z Tan, Y Wan, B Yin
International Journal of Fatigue 178, 108020, 2024
Numerical modeling of the mechanical response of asphalt concrete in tension and compression
Z Tan, Z Leng, D Jelagin, P Cao, J Jiang, PK Ashish, F Zou
Mechanics of materials 187, 104823, 2023
Modeling of the complex modulus of asphalt mastic with biochar filler based on the homogenization and random aggregate distribution methods
Y Wu, P Cao, F Shi, K Liu, X Wang, Z Leng, Z Tan, C Zhou
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2020 (1), 2317420, 2020
Kinetics and toxicological potential of heavy metal leaching from asphalt pavements
F Zou, Z Leng, Z Tan, D Li, M Han, G Lu, A Sreeram
Science of The Total Environment 912, 169193, 2024
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