Melissa J. Williams
Not yet human: implicit knowledge, historical dehumanization, and contemporary consequences.
PA Goff, JL Eberhardt, MJ Williams, MC Jackson
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94 (2), 292, 2008
Biological conceptions of race and the motivation to cross racial boundaries.
MJ Williams, JL Eberhardt
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 94 (6), 1033, 2008
Cultural differences in expectations of change and tolerance for contradiction: A decade of empirical research
J Spencer-Rodgers, MJ Williams, K Peng
Personality and Social Psychology Review 14 (3), 296-312, 2010
The subtle suspension of backlash: A meta-analysis of penalties for women’s implicit and explicit dominance behavior.
MJ Williams, LZ Tiedens
Psychological Bulletin, 2015
Serving the Self From the Seat of Power Goals and Threats Predict Leaders’ Self-Interested Behavior
MJ Williams
Journal of Management 40 (5), 1365-1395, 2014
Culture and group perception: Dispositional and stereotypic inferences about novel and national groups.
J Spencer-Rodgers, MJ Williams, DL Hamilton, K Peng, L Wang
Journal of personality and social psychology 93 (4), 525, 2007
The masculinity of money: Automatic stereotypes predict gender differences in estimated salaries
MJ Williams, EL Paluck, J Spencer‐Rodgers
Psychology of Women Quarterly 34 (1), 7-20, 2010
Fundamental (ist) attribution error: Protestants are dispositionally focused.
YJ Li, KA Johnson, AB Cohen, MJ Williams, ED Knowles, Z Chen
Journal of personality and social psychology 102 (2), 281, 2012
Sexual aggression when power is new: Effects of acute high power on chronically low-power individuals.
MJ Williams, DH Gruenfeld, LE Guillory
Journal of personality and social psychology 112 (2), 201, 2017
Selectively friending: Racial stereotypicality and social rejection
MR Hebl, MJ Williams, JM Sundermann, HJ Kell, PG Davies
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48 (6), 1329-1335, 2012
The face of STEM: Racial phenotypic stereotypicality predicts STEM persistence by—and ability attributions about—students of color.
MJ Williams, J George-Jones, M Hebl
Journal of personality and social psychology 116 (3), 416, 2019
Culturally based lay beliefs as a tool for understanding intergroup and intercultural relations
J Spencer-Rodgers, MJ Williams, K Peng
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 36 (2), 169-178, 2012
When “mom’s the boss”: Control over domestic decision making reduces women’s interest in workplace power
MJ Williams, S Chen
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17 (4), 436-452, 2014
Culture and stereotyping processes: Integration and new directions
MJ Williams, J Spencer‐Rodgers
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 4 (8), 591-604, 2010
When the boss steps up: Workplace power, task responsibility, and engagement with unpleasant tasks
MJ Williams, G Lopiano, D Heller
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 170, 104140, 2022
Gender clues and cues: Online interactions as windows into lay theories about men and women
MJ Williams, GA Mendelsohn
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 30 (3), 278-294, 2008
Destigmatization and its imbalanced effects in labor markets
G Negro, MJ Williams, EG Pontikes, G Lopiano
Management Science 67 (12), 7669-7686, 2021
Warding Off the Attacker: Self‐Defense in Theory and in Practice1
MJ Williams, MR Hebl
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 35 (2), 366-382, 2005
Interdependence and reflected failure: Cultural differences in stigma by association
T He, MJ Williams
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95, 104130, 2021
How Asian folk beliefs of knowing affect the psychological investigation of cultural differences
J Spencer-Rodgers, MJ Williams, K Peng
Progress in Asian social psychology 6, 261-272, 2007
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