Changes in climate extremes and their impacts on the natural physical environment N Nicholls, D Easterling, CM Goodess, S Kanae, J Kossin, Y Luo, ... Managing the risks of extreme events and disasters to advance climate change …, 2012 | 3080 | 2012 |
Recent drought and precipitation tendencies in Ethiopia E Viste, D Korecha, A Sorteberg Theoretical and Applied Climatology 112, 535-551, 2013 | 589 | 2013 |
Recent radical shifts of atmospheric circulations and rapid changes in Arctic climate system X Zhang, A Sorteberg, J Zhang, R Gerdes, JC Comiso Geophysical Research Letters 35 (22), 2008 | 376 | 2008 |
Description and evaluation of the Bergen climate model: ARPEGE coupled with MICOM T Furevik, M Bentsen, H Drange, IKT Kindem, NG Kvamstø, A Sorteberg Climate Dynamics 21, 27-51, 2003 | 325 | 2003 |
Impacts of climate change on Blue Nile flows using bias-corrected GCM scenarios ME Elshamy, IA Seierstad, A Sorteberg Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (5), 551-565, 2009 | 298 | 2009 |
Klima i Norge 2100 I Hanssen-Bauer, H Drange, EJ Førland, LA Roald, KY Børsheim, ... Bakgrunnsmateriale til NOU Klimatilpassing., Norsk klimasenter, Oslo, Norway, 2009 | 259 | 2009 |
Dynamical downscaling of ERA-40 in complex terrain using the WRF regional climate model U Heikkilä, A Sandvik, A Sorteberg Climate dynamics 37, 1551-1564, 2011 | 258 | 2011 |
Interannual to decadal climate predictability in the North Atlantic: a multimodel-ensemble study M Collins, M Botzet, AF Carril, H Drange, A Jouzeau, M Latif, S Masina, ... Journal of climate 19 (7), 1195-1203, 2006 | 206 | 2006 |
Seasonal cyclone variability at 70 N and its impact on moisture transport into the Arctic A Sorteberg1*, JE Walsh2 Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 60 (3), 570-586, 2008 | 184 | 2008 |
Atmospheric forcing on the Barents Sea winter ice extent A Sorteberg, B Kvingedal Journal of Climate 19 (19), 4772-4784, 2006 | 177 | 2006 |
Moisture transport into the Ethiopian highlands EM Viste, A Sorteberg Moisture Transport and Precipitation in Ethiopia, 2013 | 175 | 2013 |
Sensitivity of SWAT simulated streamflow to climatic changes within the Eastern Nile River basin DT Mengistu, A Sorteberg Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (2), 391-407, 2012 | 125 | 2012 |
Recent wind driven high sea ice area export in the Fram Strait contributes to Arctic sea ice decline LH Smedsrud, A Sirevaag, K Kloster, A Sorteberg, S Sandven The Cryosphere 5 (4), 821-829, 2011 | 119 | 2011 |
Klima i Norge 2100 Kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpasning oppdatert i 2015 I Hanssen-Bauer, EJ Førland, I Haddeland, H Hisdal, S Mayer, A Nesje, ... NCCS Report, NCCS, Oslo, Norway 203, 2015 | 117 | 2015 |
Climate development in North Norway and the Svalbard region during 1900–2100 EJ Førland, F Flatøy, I Hanssen-Bauer, JE Haugen, K Isaksen, ... | 100 | 2009 |
Validation of operational seasonal rainfall forecast in Ethiopia D Korecha, A Sorteberg Water Resources Research 49 (11), 7681-7697, 2013 | 99 | 2013 |
The Arctic surface energy budget as simulated with the IPCC AR4 AOGCMs A Sorteberg, V Kattsov, JE Walsh, T Pavlova Climate Dynamics 29, 131-156, 2007 | 97 | 2007 |
Recent and future changes of the Arctic sea‐ice cover LH Smedsrud, A Sorteberg, K Kloster Geophysical Research Letters 35 (20), 2008 | 96 | 2008 |
Spatial and temporal variations of Norwegian geohazards in a changing climate, the GeoExtreme Project C Jaedicke, A Solheim, LH Blikra, K Stalsberg, A Sorteberg, A Aaheim, ... Natural hazards and earth system sciences 8 (4), 893-904, 2008 | 93 | 2008 |
Present and future offshore wind power potential in northern Europe based on downscaled global climate runs with adjusted SST and sea ice cover I Barstad, A Sorteberg, MS Mesquita Renewable Energy 44, 398-405, 2012 | 83 | 2012 |