Laith Qudah
Laith Qudah
Потвърден имейл адрес: bau.edu.jo
The effects of COVID-19 on conditional accounting conservatism in developing countries: evidence from Jordan
LA Al-Qudah, H Ahmad Qudah, AM Abu Hamour, Y Abu Huson, ...
Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2152156, 2022
RETRACTED ARTICLE: The effect of economic variables (workers ‘diaries abroad, bank deposits, gross domestic product, and inflation) on stock returns in the Amman Financial …
KK Abdo, HAM Al-Qudah, LA Al-Qudah, MZ Qudah
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 13 (1), 59-72, 2023
The impact of horizontal mergers on the performance of the Jordanian banking sector
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 7 (7), 49-58, 2020
Liquidity risk measurement study case (Jordan islamic banks)
HA Qudah, KK Abdo, LA Al-Qudah, O Kilani, M Al Manaseh, MZ AlQudah
International Journal of Entrepreneurship 25 (8), 1-9, 2021
The effect of credit facilities granted by commercial banks on the Jordanian economy
HA Al-Qudah, KK Abdo, LA Al-Qudah, OH Ali, MZ Ahmad
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal 24 (4), 1-17, 2020
Factors affecting credit policy in Islamic banks of Jordan
HA Qudah, KK Abdo, LA Al-Qudah, HM Aldmour, MZ AlQudah
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies 25 (3), 2021
The implementing activity-based costing technique (ABC) and its impact on profitability: A study of listed manufacturing companies in Jordan
LAM Al-Qudah, YAK Al-Hroot
International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues 7 (2), 271-276, 2017
Corporate social responsibilities and financial reporting quality: Evidence from Jordanian manufacturing firms
L AL-Qudah, K Aburisheh, A ALshanti, D Massadeh, E Hyasat, ...
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 10 (4), 1493-1500, 2022
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Credit risks measurement in Islamic banks study model
HAAL Qudah
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment 13 (1), 210-228, 2023
The factors that affect shares’ return in Amman Stock Market
LAM AL–Qudah
Interdisciplinary journal of contemporary research in business 4 (6), 1219-1231, 2012
The effect of ownership structure and board structure on accounting conservatism throughout financial reporting: Evidence from Jordanian industrial corporations
KE Aburisheh, AA Dahiyat, WO Owais, AM Al Shanti, LA AlQudah
Cogent Business & Management 9 (1), 2112819, 2022
The effect of the global financial crisis on the level of accounting conservatism in commercial banks: Evidence from Jordan
YA Al-Hroot, LAM Al-Qudah, FIA Alkharabsha
International Journal of Business and Management 12 (2), 151-159, 2017
The operating efficiency and market value of Jordanian privatized firms: fixed and random effects analysis
AMA Al-Qudah
Interdisciplinary Journal of Research in Business 1 (7), 99-116, 2011
The Impact of business risk-based audit approach on reducing unsystematic risks: Evidence from Jordanian banks
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (1), 343-352, 2021
The impact of quality costs as a mediator in the relationship between management accounting systems and financial performance: the case of Jordan
AMS Alrjoub, A Bataineh, LAM Al Qudah, LN Al Othman, F Alkarabsheh, ...
International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus …, 2023
The role of social responsibility accounting in mitigating the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic in Jordan
LA Al-Qudah
Cogent Economics & Finance 11 (1), 2171575, 2023
The Mediating Role of Corporate Governance in the Relationship between the Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Model and Reducing Business Risks in Jordanian Commercial Banks
LAAQ Al-Qudah
Jordan Journal of Business Administration 19 (3), 2023
Information Technology and its Role in Improving the Quality of Financial Control due to Corona Pandemic: the Jordanian Income Tax as A Case Study
AMS Alrjoub, LAM Al Qudah, LN Al Othman, A Bataineh, KE Aburisheh, ...
International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus …, 2023
Examining the random walk hypothesis in the Amman stock exchange: an analytical study
S Obeidat, L Al-Qudah, F Al Kharabsha
Accounting 7 (1), 137-142, 2021
The Impact of Audit firm Size and Auditor Tenure in the Reduction of Earnings Management (An Empirical Study on Industrial Corporations listed on Amman Stock Exchange)
YAKAH Laith Akram Muflih AL-Quda, Mohammed Mahmoud Ahmad Humeedat
The Journal of Administrative and Economic Sciences 10 (2), 171-205, 2017
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