Lena Jingen Liang
Understanding repurchase intention of Airbnb consumers: perceived authenticity, electronic word-of-mouth, and price sensitivity
LJ Liang, HSC Choi, M Joppe
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (1), 73-89, 2018
Exploring the relationship between satisfaction, trust and switching intention, repurchase intention in the context of Airbnb
LJ Liang, HC Choi, M Joppe
International Journal of Hospitality Management 69, 41-48, 2018
A systematic review of augmented reality tourism research: What is now and what is next?
LJ Liang, S Elliot
Tourism and Hospitality Research 21 (1), 15-30, 2021
The adoption of self-service kiosks in quick-service restaurants
N Rastegar, J Flaherty, LJ Liang, HC Choi
European Journal of Tourism Research 27, 1-23, 2021
Examining medical tourists' intention to visit a tourist destination: Application of an extended MEDTOUR scale in a cosmetic tourism context
LJ Liang, HC Choi, M Joppe, W Lee
International Journal of Tourism Research, 1-13, 2019
Understanding repurchase intention of Airbnb consumers: perceived authenticity, EWoM and price sensitivity
LJ Liang
University of Guelph, 2015
The role of perceived quality on high-speed railway tourists’ behavioral intention: An application of the extended theory of planned behavior
Z Hou, LJ Liang, B Meng, HSC Choi
Sustainability 13 (22), 12386, 2021
C & Joppe, M.(2018). Understanding repurchase intention of Airbnb consumers: Perceived authenticity, electronic word-of-mouth, and price sensitivity
LJ Liang, HS Choi
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (1), 73-89, 0
Motivations, risks, and constraints: An analysis of affective and cognitive images for cannabis tourism in Canada
LJ Liang, HC Choi, S Dupej, A Zolfaghari
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 4 (2), 100110, 2023
Examining customer value cocreation behavior in boutique hotels: Hospitableness, perceived value, satisfaction, and citizenship behavior
C Yu, LJ Liang, HC Choi
Tourism Analysis 29 (2), 221-237, 2024
How we failed in context: A text-mining approach to understanding hotel service failures
S Huang, LJ Liang, HC Choi
Sustainability 14 (5), 2675, 2022
Instrumental support and its impact on psychological capital and well-being in online learning: A study of hospitality and tourism students
S Huang, M Matthews, LJ Liang, HC Choi
Creative Education 14 (10), 1984-2008, 2023
Stop being mean! Customer incivility influencing employee incivility via employee burnout: a hospitality context
Y Wen, LJ Liang, HSC Choi, M Yu
Journal of China Tourism Research 20 (3), 545-564, 2024
A systematic review of augmented reality tourism research: What is now and what is next?
S Elliot
Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2021
Canadians' travel knowledge acquisition during the pandemic: A cognitive mediation model approach
S Huang, LJ Liang, HC Choi, SFH Pang
Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 51 (4), 247-261, 2023
The power of play: uncovering the hidden impact of sport events on communities
C Finn, LJ Liang, HSC Choi
Journal of Sport & Tourism 28 (3), 129-147, 2024
What matters is the mindset: The role of construal level activated by automated service in influencing consumer behaviors
LJ Liang
University of Guelph, 2023
Effects of Cannabis-use-motivation and Risk on Destination Image and Visit Intention to Canada among American and European Tourists
LJ Liang, S Dupej, A Zolfaghari, HC Choi
한국관광학회 국제학술발표대회집 92, 488-490, 2022
Understanding Factors Influencing Canadians’ travel Knowledge during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Cognitive Mediation Model
S Huang, LJ Liang, HC Choi
Understanding Hotel Guest Experience: A Text-Mining Approach
LJ Liang, S Huang, HC Choi
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