The political economy of the ‘just transition’ P Newell, D Mulvaney The geographical journal 179 (2), 132-140, 2013 | 1207 | 2013 |
Climate capitalism: global warming and the transformation of the global economy P Newell, M Paterson Cambridge University Press, 2010 | 1113 | 2010 |
Governing climate change H Bulkeley, P Newell Routledge, 2010 | 920 | 2010 |
Climate for change P Newell Climate for Change, 240, 2000 | 777* | 2000 |
Navigating the Anthropocene: improving earth system governance F Biermann, K Abbott, S Andresen, K Bäckstrand, S Bernstein, MM Betsill, ... Science 335 (6074), 1306-1307, 2012 | 684 | 2012 |
The politics of green transformations I Scoones, M Leach, P Newell Taylor & Francis, 2015 | 669 | 2015 |
Changing the intellectual climate N Castree, WM Adams, J Barry, D Brockington, B Büscher, E Corbera, ... Nature climate change 4 (9), 763-768, 2014 | 657 | 2014 |
Transnational climate change governance H Bulkeley Cambridge University Press, 2014 | 657 | 2014 |
Citizenship, accountability and community: the limits of the CSR agenda P Newell International affairs 81 (3), 541-557, 2005 | 571 | 2005 |
The business of global environmental governance DL Levy, PJ Newell MIT press, 2005 | 548 | 2005 |
Beyond csr? Business, poverty and social justice: an introduction P Newell, JG Frynas Third world quarterly 28 (4), 669-681, 2007 | 514 | 2007 |
The political economy of energy transitions: the case of South Africa L Baker, P Newell, J Phillips New political economy 19 (6), 791-818, 2014 | 507 | 2014 |
Three decades of climate mitigation: why haven't we bent the global emissions curve? I Stoddard, K Anderson, S Capstick, W Carton, J Depledge, K Facer, ... Annual review of environment and resources 46 (1), 653-689, 2021 | 495 | 2021 |
A climate for business: global warming, the state and capital P Newell, M Paterson Review of International Political Economy 5 (4), 679-703, 1998 | 457 | 1998 |
Business strategy and international environmental governance: Toward a neo-Gramscian synthesis DL Levy, PJ Newell Global environmental politics 2 (4), 84-101, 2002 | 422 | 2002 |
The politics of accelerating low-carbon transitions: Towards a new research agenda C Roberts, FW Geels, M Lockwood, P Newell, H Schmitz, B Turnheim, ... Energy research & social science 44, 304-311, 2018 | 392 | 2018 |
Why equity is fundamental in climate change policy research S Klinsky, T Roberts, S Huq, C Okereke, P Newell, P Dauvergne, ... | 379 | 2017 |
Governing climate change transnationally: assessing the evidence from a database of sixty initiatives H Bulkeley, L Andonova, K Bäckstrand, M Betsill, D Compagnon, R Duffy, ... Environment and planning C: Government and Policy 30 (4), 591-612, 2012 | 363 | 2012 |
Exploring understandings of institutions and uncertainty: new directions in natural resource management M Leach, P Newell, I Scoones, L Mehta The Institute of Development Studies and Partner Organisations, 1999 | 356 | 1999 |
Toward transformative climate justice: An emerging research agenda P Newell, S Srivastava, LO Naess, GA Torres Contreras, R Price Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 12 (6), e733, 2021 | 318 | 2021 |